Search results for 4. how to send emails

497 articles found

  • [gh_does_not_have_tags] Shortcode

    This shortcode can be used to display content if the contact does not have all the tags provided. [gh_does_not_have_tags tags="1,2,3"] Show this content if the visitor does not have the given

  • Editing Contact List to show what you want

    Overwhelmed with how much is in the contacts list? Want it to show less or more information? You can do that. What you want to do first is go to your contacts list and look for the screen options (in

  • What To Do If Events Are Stuck Waiting

    If events are stuck in the Waiting Status it can be caused by a couple of things. Your Cron Job is not active. The most likely reason is your cron job is no longer active, to solve this follow the

  • Where to see a contact's previous form submissions

    Go to edit the contact record in question and click on the activity tab. The scroll to the bottom to see all the form submissions for that contact. This applies to forms made with the Groundhogg form

  • White Label Branding: Shipping custom funnel and email templates

    With the White Label Branding addon, you can ship custom funnel and email templates to your clients' sites! Prerequisites Before you can start shipping your custom templates, you'll need... An Agency

  • Getting Started

    Groundhogg provides a REST API that allows users to retrieve data remotely using a JSON format. Using the RESTful API users can manage contacts, emails, SMS and tags remotely. By default, Groundhogg

  • [gh_has_tags] Shortcode

    You can use this shortcode to display content that is dependent on whether the current visitor has specific tags. Pass one or more tag IDs to the shortcode. This will require that the contact has all

  • Caching Compatibility

    If you have a caching plugin (please only use one at a time) or any sort of system caching on your website or may notice Groundhogg not quite working as well and as quickly as you had hoped. There

  • Import HTML

    You can now import HTML email templates from third-party platforms! Visit Groundhogg > Emails and click [ Import HTML ] Click [ Choose File ] and browse your computer for a .htm, .html file The HTML

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Introduction

    Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is a Top Tier eCommerce solution for companies exclusively selling digital products (Audio Files, PDFs, WordPress Plugins, Apps) and Groundhogg provides direct

  • Adding custom tabs and fields to the contact screen

    Custom tabs and fields can be added to the contact screen using the plugins API and the contact meta DB. You can see and read how on our Github or using the same code below. <?php class My_Custom_Tab

  • What to do if the gh-cron is not verifying?

    If you are unable to verify the Groundhogg cron job gh-cron.php then you will have to rely on the WordPress cron wp-cron.php. This is not a big deal but will result in a slight performance hit on

  • Why are Tracking (and Other) Links Not Working?

    If you have just installed Groundhogg and have sent a few emails, you may have noticed that your tracking links may be leading to a page not found (also known as a 404 page, that says the page can't

  • Replacement Code: {auto_login}

    The Auto Login replacement code can be used to add a link that will automatically log in to the contact if they have a user account. {auto_login_link} To change the login link add dot URL

  • Email Editor: Block Inspector | Desktop Preview | Mobile Preview

    A mini menu is available to the left of the block selector. The menu contains three selections: Block Inspector Desktop Preview Mobile Preview Block Inspector When hovering over blocks in the

  • WPForms Integration

    Using WPForms? Follow this guide to connect WPForms to Groundhogg! Prerequisites: You have purchased the WPForms integration or the Plus Plan or better. You have installed the Extension Manager or

  • Fluent Forms Integration

    Using Fluent Forms? Follow this guide to connect Fluent Forms to Groundhogg! Prerequisites: You have purchased the Fluent Forms integration or the Plus Plan or better. You have installed the

  • Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type.

    If you are attempting to import a CSV file and receive an error: The error may arise from specific HTML tags in your .CSV file, which WordPress restricts for security purposes during the import

  • Error: You do not have permission to view this file

    If you are encountering the "You do not have permission to view this file" error in WordPress, there are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue: Check file permissions: Make sure that the file

  • Import a template

    You can import a template used in Groundhogg from another site or saved locally. Visit Groundhogg > Emails and click [ Import a template ] Click [ Choose File ] and browse your computer for a .json

  • Booking Calendar: Connect your Zoom account

    If you want to create Zoom meetings when someone schedules a new appointment from the Groundhogg Booking Calendar you're just a few simple steps away. Connect Groundhogg to your Zoom Account Open the

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Examples

    Examples Abandon cart recovery Refund win back Request a review Subscribe and send discount [EDD] Abandoned cart recovery (Included) Recover abandoned carts and get more sales! [EDD] Refund win back

  • What cookies does Groundhogg create?

    Groundhogg uses cookies to provide essential functionality to the end-user and ensure complete and correct customer journeys. Below is a list of cookies that Groundhogg creates to create better and

  • AWS Integration: Creating IAM credentials

    To use the AWS integration you must generate IAM credentials. 1. Open the IAM tool in the AWS Console 2. Go to Users 3. Add a new user 4. Give the user a name, for example, Groundhogg and select

  • Booking Calendar: Replacement Codes

    The Booking Calendar comes with these replacement codes. Time to appointment {time_to_appointment} The time difference to the start of the appointment Contact Appointment Start Time

  • SMS77 Integration: Introduction

    Groundhogg focuses on both SMS and email marketing. The Groundhogg SMS77 add-on is a plugin that lets you send messages using services. This documentation will help you to set up your

  • Event Log

    In the Events log, you have the flexibility to sort your events. You can sort them as Waiting, Paused, In Progress, Complete, Skipped, Cancelled or Failed. When reviewing the log, in the list view

  • Action: Create User

    If you would like to have the funnel create a user What you want to do is add Create User to the funnel, by dragging it from the right-hand side over to the list of steps. You can put it anywhere in

  • Third Party Integrations

    Groundhogg works with many third-party integrations* that can expand the functionality. AutomatorWP Samples Flowmattic Provides triggers and actions Hyperise Connect Groundhogg to Hyperise Pabbly

  • Really Simple Payments: Adding webhook manually

    When a user installs Really Simple Payments and tries to connect with Stripe, Groundhogg tries to create a webhook for Stripe and subscribes to it when user access keys are added inside Really Simple

  • Content Restriction: Introduction

    Some pages may be designed for a specific audience (such as having a membership site). Due to this, Groundhogg provides the functionality to stop users from viewing certain pages. In order to do

  • Sales Pipeline: Introduction

    The Sales Pipeline is the ultimate tool to kick your sales team into high gear with sales automation. It allows you to easily manage your leads manually or automatically with Groundhogg so you don’t

  • Plugin API REST Endpoint

    You can use the Plugin API REST endpoint as an alternative to the Webhook Listener if the contact has already been registered on your site. You can send a webhook request to this endpoint call_name,

  • User Roles & Capabilities

    Groundhogg separates most of its functionality into user roles and various capabilities. Below we describe what roles are included. Administrator The administrator will always have full privileges

  • HelpScout Integration: Setup webhook event listener

    For the HelpScout benchmark in Groundhogg to function, you must configure webhooks in HelpScout to send data to Groundhogg. Instructions: Go to HelpScout and open the Apps page under the Manage menu.

  • Zapier Integration: Getting started

    Groundhogg has the power to connect with Zapier which can connect you to 1000+ services and give you the power to automate more than just your email marketing funnels. Users of Groundhogg can

  • What is a suppression list?

    A suppression list is a collection of email addresses or domains that are excluded from your email marketing campaigns or communications. They can also be labeled as "inactive". Different SMTP

  • HelpScout Integration: Introduction

    Use HelpScout to support your customers? With the Groundhogg Helpscout integration (which is included in the pro plan or above), you’ll be able to start funnels when tickets are received and updated

  • Action: Admin Notification

    If you would like to have an email sent to Contact, Contact Owner, or Administrator as one of the steps in a funnel you can use the Admin Notification action What you want to do, is add Admin

  • Lead Scoring: Introduction

    Lead scoring is one of the most effective ways to find your most likely “ready to buy” customers. The largest organizations in the world use lead scoring to determine when it's the right time to send

  • Action: Loop

    If you would like to have a series of actions repeated you can use the Loop action What you want to do, is add Loop to the funnel, by dragging it from the right-hand side over to the list of steps.

  • Really Simple Payments: Collecting PayPal payments

    Using Groundhogg's really simple payments (which is also included in the plus plan or above) now users will be able to collect payments using PayPal. With the plugin update, you can see a new section

  • WooCommerce: Replacement codes

    The Groundhogg-Woocommerce add-on contains six different replacement codes that you can use to send discount codes to contacts. Cart URL wc_cart_url The URL of your cart page. Restore Cart URL

  • Introduction à Groundhogg(French)

    Si tu connais déjà les CRM et l'automatisation marketing, alors beaucoup de ces termes te seront sûrement familiers. Sinon, cet article te mettra au courant de ce que tu dois savoir sur les

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Replacement codes

    The Groundhogg Easy Digital Downloads integration contains six different replacement codes that you can use to send discount codes to contacts. Cart URL edd_cart_url The URL of your cart page.

  • Opt-in Status Definitions

    New to compliance and the idea of an opt-in status? Here are some definitions to get you up to speed. Unconfirmed When a contact is unconfirmed it means that they have opted into Groundhogg but has

  • Zapier Integration: Create zap triggers

    Once you have your zap action-ready in your funnel it's time to create a Zap. To create Zap you need to login into your Zapier account. You can create a Zap by clicking on the MAKE A ZAP button in

  • Tutorials: Deactive all funnels

    If you need to stop all funnels on a website (it could be a testing site, or because something is not working) you can do that without having to go into each funnel to deactivate them. Go into the

  • Do development sites count against my license?

    How It Works Our license activation system is linked to specific URLs. To facilitate activation on local development servers—those running on your laptop or desktop—we've exempted certain common URLs

  • Zapier Integration: Zap action

    Zapier works in trigger -> action pairs. The action specifies what to do with the retrieved data. There is a large number of apps to choose from, but for the sake of this example, we are going to