Search results for custom replacement code

257 articles found

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}

    This hook is used to add custom code on the top of the admin pages when pages are using tab page architecture. do_action( "groundhogg/admin/{$this->get_slug()}", $this ); This hook comes with an

  • groundhogg/email_notification/run/before

    This hook is used to add custom code before an email notification sends to a customer. do_action( 'groundhogg/email_notification/run/before', $this, $contact, $event ); This hook provides three

  • groundhogg/email_notification/run/after

    This hook is used to add custom code after email notification sends to a customer. do_action( 'groundhogg/email_notification/run/after', $this, $contact, $event ); This hook provides three objects to

  • Adding HTML Columns Inside Emails

    Sometimes the built-in elements of Groundhogg are not enough for creating the wondrous emails you want to create. That’s why Groundhogg comes with an HTML editor that users can use to edit the HTML

  • groundhogg/form/fields/init

    This action hook is used to add form controls via hook. This hook is executed when all the controls of the form loaded. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/fields/init', $this ); This hook returns the object

  • groundhogg/event_queue/process/after

    This action hook is used to run custom code once Groundhogg has completed the execution of an event using the event queue. do_action( 'groundhogg/event_queue/process/after', $this ); Using this hook

  • Create a Web Form

    You can use Web Forms to collect contact information and start funnels. This is generally the most common tool to capture contact data. Groundhogg has a simple built-in form builder that will serve

  • Snippets

    These snippets can be placed in your theme's functions.php file or a code snippets plugin. Modify Marketing Consent Modify Terms Agreement Modify GDPR Consent Modify Confirmation Text Modify Footer:

  • REST API V4 / Contacts

    The contacts API allows you to fetch, add, edit, and delete contacts. Contact Properties Attribute Type Description ID integer The system ID of the contact data object The core properties of the

  • Settings

    Groundhogg has a "settings" tab located at Groundhogg > Settings The Settings page by default comes with eight tabs( General, Compliance, Email, Tags, API, Integrations, Misc, Licenses) Additional

  • Benchmark: Web Form

    Want information on someone? Or want them to register for something? A Groundhogg web form may work for you. To create a form there is a step in a funnel called Web Form which is under Benchmarks.

  • Filters

    Groundhogg comes with these filters to allow you to filter by: Contact Contact Location User Activity Funnel Broadcast Query *You can use these filters together in combination NOTE: You will have

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Examples

    Examples Abandon cart recovery Refund win back Request a review Subscribe and send discount [EDD] Abandoned cart recovery (Included) Recover abandoned carts and get more sales! [EDD] Refund win back

  • MemberPress: Sync previous order and customer status with Groundhogg

    The Pro or above Groundhogg plan has integration with MemberPress so you will need that paid plan or above in order to get the integration. If you have used MemberPress in the past and started to use

  • Advanced Features: Introduction to field changed

    Groundhogg provides the functionality to add custom fields for a contact. Users can add custom fields using the custom info section of contact. In some cases, custom information for the contact is

  • How to add CC addresses to your emails

    If you want to CC an email address, like from a custom field, to an email that you are sending you can use the email Custom Headers feature which is located underneath the email content section. To

  • Email Blocks: Socials

    Socials Block Tab Social Media Theme - Select a theme(Brand Color Square, Black Boxed, Gray Boxed, Light Gray Boxed, White Boxed, Brand Color Circular, Black Circular, Gray Circular, Light Gray

  • eLearnCommerce Integration: Introduction

    eLearnCommerce is a top-tier LMS (Learning Management System) that allows you to turn your WordPress website into a learning portal for your customers. With Groundhogg's eLearnCommerce integration,

  • How Do I Claim a Course Voucher?

    If you have received a voucher code for a course, here is how you can claim it. Already have an account? In your dashboard, click on Redeem a Voucher Then enter your voucher code and click submit.

  • groundhogg/steps/init

    This Groundhogg WordPress hook is used to add custom actions when the steps are loaded. You can use this action to add custom steps. do_action( 'groundhogg/steps/init', $this ); This action provides

  • Adding a tag on an action

    One way to trigger custom events from other plugins in the funnel builder is to add a tag whenever an action is completed. This acts as an alternative to creating a custom benchmark. The Plugins API

  • How To Bulk Edit Contacts

    To bulk edit your contacts, go to the contacts screen and make a search for the contacts you want to edit. Next to the bulk actions screen, there is a More Actions dropdown which you can click to

  • HelpScout Integration: Setup contact record siderbar widget

    You can display the Groundhogg contact record in HelpScout tickets in just a few steps using the Groundhogg HelpScout Integration. Instructions: Open Apps under the HelpScout Manage menu. Search for

  • White Label Branding: Introduction

    Use your custom brand instead of "Groundhogg." The White Label addon is part of the Agency plan or WaaS plan. The White Label Branding addon will allow you to re-brand Groundhogg and all its

  • Benchmark: Post Published

    The Benchmark "Post Published" can trigger action(s) based on when a post or custom post type is published. Drag and drop the "Post Published" Benchmark over into the flow on the left. You will be

  • Tutorials: Importing Just A List of Phone Numbers

    Every carrier creates an email for their users (most people do not know this). You could create a form that concatenates the fields to give the signup person a distinct email. (they would still need

  • Advanced Features: Introduction to page visited benchmark

    Groundhogg provides the page visited benchmark included with the advanced feature plugin. This benchmark is executed when the user visits the specifics page and runs automation based on that. Page

  • Email Blocks: Footer

    Footer Block Tab Footer Alignment(Left, Center, Right) Font Style Font(The globe gives you access to the global type settings, and the pencil edits specific Font Family, Font Size, Line Height, Font

  • Styling Web Forms

    Groundhogg's Web Form Benchmark uses the active theme's styles. You can add your own styling by adding the following code to either the theme's functions.php file or using a code snippet plugin.

  • Booking Calendar: Styling your calendar

    By default, the Booking Calendar is styled with "Helvetica' for the font and shades of blue. You may want to match the styling of your website and this can be accomplished using the example below.

  • Do you offer Two-Factor Authentication

    Groundhogg's Account Dashboard can be set up with Two-Factor Authentication(2FA) which significantly improves login security. Groundhogg uses WordFence for its 2FA. 2FA works with a number of

  • groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/before

    Execute a block of code before sending a specific type of broadcast. do_action( "groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/before", $this, $contact, $event ); Here, broadcast_type will be replaced with

  • groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/after

    Execute a block of code after sending a specific type of broadcast. do_action( "groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/after", $this, $contact, $event ); Here, broadcast_type will be replaced with the

  • How Do I Import My List?

    If you are coming from another CRM (or maybe your excel sheet) you may already have a list of contacts. You can add this list into Groundhogg easily. Step 1 Make sure you have a valid CSV file

  • Companies: Import from a CSV file

    If you are coming from another CRM (or maybe your Excel sheet) you may already have a list of Companies. You can add this list into Groundhogg easily. Requirements: Company Records Extension

  • Introduction to Actions

    Actions are inside of a funnel and they are what happens after something else happens. We are going to explain some of the actions available and you may have different ones depends on what extensions

  • Email Blocks: Advanced

    AdvanceTab Layout Provides: Padding(based on pixels and you can link/unlink the setting) Border Provides: Style(None, Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Double, Ridge, Groove, Inset, Outset - Default: None)

  • Sales Pipeline: Introduction

    The Sales Pipeline is the ultimate tool to kick your sales team into high gear with sales automation. It allows you to easily manage your leads manually or automatically with Groundhogg so you don’t

  • groundhogg/scripts/after_register_frontend_styles

    This hook is used to add custom front end stylesheet into Groundhogg. do_action('groundhogg/scripts/after_register_frontend_styles');

  • groundhogg/steps/benchmarks/form/extra_settings

    This action hook is used to add custom settings at the end of the form. do_action( 'groundhogg/steps/benchmarks/form/extra_settings' );

  • GiveWP Integration: Reporting

    GiveWP Reporting If you are looking to create reports for your donation forms created in GiveWP, follow the Custom Reports help document.

  • groundhogg/event/post_setup

    Used to do any actions after the event setup is completed. do_action( 'groundhogg/event/post_setup', $this ); it returns the object of an event as an argument. Ideal for storing custom information

  • groundhogg/admin/emails/process_add/{tab}

    This hook is used to handle the process custom tag process. This hook provides the functionality to manage the response. do_action( "groundhogg/admin/emails/process_add/{$tab}", $this ); This hook

  • Booking Calendar: Calendar Settings

    Groundhogg Booking Calendar provides various settings that allow calendar owners to manage their appointments efficiently and with ease. General Settings Booking Calendar contains distinct setting

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/display/{method}

    This hook is useful for creating the custom method to execute on a specific tabbed page. This hook accepts the slug of the page and method name to execute. do_action(

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/display/{current_action}

    This is used to add custom actions inside groundhogg admin area. This hook accepts the slug of the page and current action for which users are writing handlers.

  • Putting a YouTube Video Into a Email

    If you want your subscribers to watch a YouTube video you may want to take the embed code of a YouTube video, create a HTML block, and paste that embed code. And while that would work on a website,

  • WooCommerce: Benchmarks

    Woocommerce Integration comes with these benchmarks that are used to trigger automations. New Order: This benchmark executes when a new order is placed and can be defined with: Any/All If the order

  • groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/after

    This hook is used to add extra code after the add contact from. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/after' );

  • groundhogg/import/form/after

    This hook is used to add code after the import section on the tools page. do_action('groundhogg/import/form/after' );