The Admin Bar Widget
When you log in to your website you will find the Groundhogg Icon at the top right of your screen. This will give you access to the Groundhogg admin bar widget.
After clicking on the icon, you will have the option to do the following:
Click on the first icon then type in the name you want to search for. Typing in a partial name will generate a list of potential matches below.
2. Create a contact
Click on the second icon then fill out the form with the new contact's information.
When completed, click on the [ Create Contact ] button.
3. Send a broadcast
Click on the third icon then select the email you want to send for your broadcast.
Click [ Campaigns → ], and select a campaign for this broadcast, or skip.
Select the contacts to receive this email from the dropdown list, and use filters that include and exclude.
Select either Fixed or Dynamic segmentation. [ Schedule →]
To schedule you can set it for "Later" with the:
- Date
- Time
- Contact's local time
or send "now".
You can also switch on batches
- Send - enter a value of how many emails sent
- every - enter a numeric value for time
- Select - Minutes, Hours and Days
[ Review →]
Review that the information is correct before
When completed click on the [ Confirm and Schedule! ] button.
Click on the fourth icon to see a list of notifications sent from Groundhogg. These can be updates, security notes, or offers.
The notifications are not displayed on the "White labeled Branded" sites.