Custom Fields in Groundhogg 2.6

With Groundhogg 2.6 and above having changed up a bit on how things are arranged, we thought it would be helpful to make this guide.

Table of contents:

Adding a new custom field tab

When you are in your contact the way to add a new tab is by going to the tabs list just above where it says contact information. On the rightmost is a plus icon,, clicking on that adds a new custom field tab where you can give it a name then click create.

Deleting a custom field tab

If you no longer need a custom field tab you can delete it from the contact. 

Go to the tab you want to delete and at the same length of creating a new tab are three dots that when highlighted over say Tab Options. Clicking that gives you the option to rename or delete. To delete click delete, then confirm you want to delete it by clicking delete. Now that tab is deleted.

Adding a new custom field

Now that you have your custom field tab it’s time to add fields into it. We are going to show you how to do it if you don’t have any custom fields and if you already have custom fields in your tab.

First, if you don't have any custom fields you will want to create a group in which the custom field will be in. You can have any number of groups based on what you want to know.

Click [ Add Custom Properties ], give it a name, then create Group.

It will then let you create your first custom field, the exact details of each one we will get to after we talk about how to create a field if you already have at least one field.

If you already have at least one field then you can create more. Bring your mouse over to the right of the group (example in this case) and you will see three dots that you can use to Add Field, Add  Group, Edit Fields, Rename, or Delete.

When adding a custom field there are multiple things you have to fill in which we will go over:

The Field Label is the name that is displayed.

The Internal Name is the name that comes up when doing searches within your contacts.

The Field Type is what you want to put in:

  • Text(Single line),
  • Textarea(Multi-line)
  • Number
  • URL
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Date *needs to be in Y-m-d format
  • Time *needs to be in H:i:s format
  • Date & Time *needs to be in Y-m-d H:i:s format
  • Checkboxes
  • Radio buttons
  • Dropdown
  • HTML

Order is how you want them ordered.

Editing custom fields

If at any time you wish to edit any custom fields you can do so. The way to do this is by double-clicking on the custom field you want to edit then click Edit field, which will bring you back to what looks like creating a field but it’s editing instead.

Mapping to custom fields

If you want any of the custom fields to show up somewhere else, like a form you can do so like you would do with any other mapping. When you see the option for field mapping you can select any of the custom fields you would like.

Replacement codes and custom fields

These fields will be available as replacement codes and output the data stored in these fields. 

Display Custom Fields in a formatted way

To display custom fields that are stored as Serial Data, for example, "checkbox list" in an email; use the replacement code {meta.[field internal name]|[csv,ol,ul]}. 

  • {meta.example|csv}
  • {meta.example|ol}
  • {meta.example|ul}
If you would like to see most of this in video format then you can watch it below:

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