Benchmark: Field Changed

The Benchmark "Field Changed" can trigger action(s) based on a custom field being changed.

Drag and drop the "Field Changed" Benchmark over into the flow on the left. You will be presented with some setting options. 
  • Which Feild: - Enter a value.
  • When value is...: -  Select a condition( Any change, Is equal, Is not equal to, is greater than, is less than, Is greater than or equal to, Is less than or equal to, Contains, Does not contain, Is empty, Is not empty ), and enter a value.
  • When hovering over the Benchmark you can copy or delete it.
  • You can track the conversion metric for the funnel report.
  • A note area for this Benchmark is provided.

Make sure to hit save after completing the settings.

Extension Required!

The Field Changed Benchmark is available with the Advance Features addon. Groundhogg - Advanced Features installed. It can be purchased separately or as part of the Agency, Pro or Plus Plans.

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