These snippets can be placed in your theme's functions.php file or a code snippets plugin.
- Modify Marketing Consent
- Modify Terms Agreement
- Modify GDPR Consent
- Modify Confirmation Text
- Modify Footer: Privacy Policy
- Modify Footer: Terms
- Modify Footer: Unsubscribe
- Modify Footer: Don't want these emails?
- Modify "View this email in your browser."
- Hide Groundhogg Admin Widget
- Hide Contact Location fields
- Hide Contact Work Details fields
- Hide Contact Sources fields
- Hide Contact Compliance fields
- Capitalize first character for web form first name, last name
- Add a tag to a contact when they unsubscribe
- Add activity when note added
- Redirect visitors based on what option in a web form field is selected
- Remove the List-Unsubscribe header
- Add fake email address when importing Contacts with no email
- Automatically Delete a Groundhogg Contact When a WordPress User is Deleted
- Turn off IP Location
- Save a reply from Twilio into a custom field
Modify Marketing Consent
Default: I agree to receive marketing offers and updates from ( Business Name )
/** * Modify the marketing consent field label. * * This function customizes the label for the marketing consent checkbox. * * @param string $label The default field label. * @param string $field The field type. * @return string The modified field label. */ function custom_marketing_consent_label( $label, $field ) { if ( $field === 'marketing_consent' ) { $label = __( 'Email me a weekly newsletter, exclusive products, and promo deals. You can unsubscribe at any time.', 'groundhogg' ); } return $label; } add_filter( 'groundhogg/default_field_label', 'custom_marketing_consent_label', 10, 2 );
Modify Terms Agreement
Default: I agree to terms and conditions of ( Business Name )
/** * Modify the terms and conditions field label to include a hyperlink. * * This function customizes the label for the "terms_agreement" checkbox field, * inserting a clickable link to the terms and conditions page. * * @param string $label The default field label. * @param string $field The field type. * @return string The modified field label with a hyperlink. */ function custom_terms_and_conditions_label( $label, $field ) { // Check if the field is the terms and conditions agreement checkbox. if ( $field === 'terms_agreement' ) { // Define the URL of the terms and conditions page. $url = esc_url( '' ); // Modify the label to include a hyperlink to the terms and conditions. $label = sprintf( __( 'I agree to <a href="%s" target="_blank">terms and conditions</a> of %s.', 'groundhogg' ), $url, get_bloginfo() ); } return $label; } // Hook the custom function into the Groundhogg default field label filter. add_filter( 'groundhogg/default_field_label', 'custom_terms_and_conditions_label', 10, 2 );
Modify GDPR Consent
Default: I agree to ( Business Name )'s storage and processing of my personal data.
/** * Modify the GDPR consent field label. * * This function customizes the label for the "gdpr_consent" checkbox field, * ensuring clarity and compliance with cookie policies. * * @param string $label The default field label. * @param string $field The field type. * @return string The modified GDPR consent field label. */ function custom_gdpr_consent_label( $label, $field ) { // Check if the field is GDPR consent if ( $field === 'gdpr_consent' ) { $label = __( 'This website uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience. By checking the box, you consent to the use of all essential and non-essential cookies.', 'groundhogg' ); } return $label; } // Hook the custom function into the Groundhogg default field label filter. add_filter( 'groundhogg/default_field_label', 'custom_gdpr_consent_label', 10, 2 );
Modify Confirmation Text
Default: Confirm your email.
/** * Customize the confirmation text displayed after form submission. * * This function replaces the default confirmation text with a custom message. * * @param string $confirmation_text The default confirmation message. * @return string The customized confirmation message. */ function custom_confirmation_text( $confirmation_text ) { // Define the custom confirmation message $custom_text = __( 'Your custom confirmation text goes here.', 'groundhogg' ); return $custom_text; } // Hook into the Groundhogg filter to modify the confirmation text. add_filter( 'groundhogg/replacements/confirmation_text', 'custom_confirmation_text', 10 );
Modify Footer: Privacy Policy
Default: Privacy Policy
add_filter( 'gettext', 'gh_change_privacy_policy' ); /** * Change "Privacy Policy" in footer * * @param $text string * @return $text string * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ function gh_change_privacy_policy( $text ) { $text = str_ireplace( "Privacy Policy", "Privacy Disclosure", $text ); return $text; }
Modify Footer: Terms
Default: Terms
add_filter( 'gettext', 'gh_change_terms' ); /** * Change "Terms" in footer * * @param $text string * @return $text string * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ function gh_change_terms( $text ) { $text = str_ireplace( "Terms", "Terms & Conditions", $text ); return $text; }
Modify Footer: Unsubscribe
Default: Unsubscribe
add_filter( 'gettext', 'gh_change_unsubscribe' ); /** * Change "Unsubscribe" in footer * * @param $text string * @return $text string * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ function gh_change_unsubscribe( $text ) { $text = str_ireplace( "Unsubscribe", "Custom link text", $text ); return $text; }
Modify Footer: Don't want these emails?
Default: Unsubscribe
add_filter( 'gettext', 'gh_change_dont_want_these_emails' ); /** * Change "Don't want these emails?" in footer * * @param $text string * @return $text string * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ function gh_change_dont_want_these_emails( $text ) { $text = str_ireplace( "Don't want these emails?", "Custom Message", $text ); return $text; }
Modify "View this email in your browser."
// Change the "View this email in your browser." text add_filter( 'groundhogg/email_template/browser_view_text', 'Custom Message', 11 );
Hide Groundhogg Admin Widget
// Add custom CSS to WordPress dashboard function remove_gh_admin_widget() { echo '<style> li#wp-admin-bar-groundhogg { display: none; } </style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'remove_gh_admin_widget');
Hide Contact Location fields
function gh_hide_contact_location_info() { echo '<style> /* Hide H2 Location */ .top-left-square h2:nth-of-type(3) { display: none; } .top-left-square .gh-rows-and-columns:nth-of-type(3) { display: none; } </style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'gh_hide_contact_location_info');
Hide Contact Work Details fields
function gh_hide_contact_work_details_info() { echo '<style> /* Hide H2 Work Details */ .top-left-square h2:nth-of-type(2) { display: none; } .top-left-square .gh-rows-and-columns:nth-of-type(2) { display: none; } </style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'gh_hide_contact_work_details_info');
Hide Contact Sources fields
function gh_hide_contact_sources_info() { echo '<style> /* Hide H2 Sources */ .top-left-square h2:nth-of-type(4) { display: none; } .top-left-square .gh-rows-and-columns:nth-of-type(4) { display: none; } </style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'gh_hide_contact_sources_info');
Hide Contact Compliance fields
function gh_hide_contact_compliance_info() { echo '<style> /* Hide H2 Compliance */ .top-left-square h2:nth-of-type(5) { display: none; } table.compliance-table { display: none; } </style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'gh_hide_contact_compliance_info');
Capitalize first character for web form first name, last name
*Add classes( first_name_capitalize, last_name_capitalize ) to fields in the form.
function gh_first_last_capitalize() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery( '.first_name_capitalize' ).keyup(function() { jQuery(this).val(jQuery(this).val().substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + jQuery(this).val().substr(1).toLowerCase()); }); jQuery( '.last_name_capitalize' ).keyup(function() { jQuery(this).val(jQuery(this).val().substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + jQuery(this).val().substr(1).toLowerCase()); }); }); </script> <?php } add_action( 'wp_head', 'gh_first_last_capitalize', 30 );
Add a tag to a contact when they unsubscribe
<?php /** * Add a tag to a contact when they unsubscribe. * * @param int $contact_id * @param int $new_pref * @param int $old_pref * @param \Groundhogg\Contact $contact * * @return void */ function add_tag_when_unsubscribed( int $contact_id, int $new_pref, int $old_pref, \Groundhogg\Contact $contact ){ $contact->add_tag( 1234 ); // Change the ID of the tag to add } add_action( 'groundhogg/contact/preferences/unsubscribed', 'add_tag_when_unsubscribed', 10, 4 );
Add activity when note added
add_action( 'groundhogg/note/post_create', 'gh_track_activity_when_note_added', 10, 3 ); /** * Adds activity whenever a note is added * * @param $id * @param $data * @param $note \Groundhogg\Classes\Note * * @return void */ function gh_track_activity_when_note_added( $id, $data, $note ){ // Ignore non ncontact notes if ( $note->object_type !== 'contact' ){ return; } \Groundhogg\track_activity( $note->object_id, 'note_added' ); }
Redirect from Web Form, field option to URL
<?php function maybe_do_form_redirect() { // check for redirect flag in the URL if ( absint( \Groundhogg\get_url_var( 'form_redirect' ) ) !== 1 ) { return; } $contact = \Groundhogg\get_contactdata(); // if not a contact if ( ! \Groundhogg\is_a_contact( $contact ) ) { return; } $custom_field = $contact->get_meta( 'my_custom_field' ); switch ( $custom_field ) { case 'foo': $path = '/foo'; break; case 'bar': $path = '/bar'; break; case 'baz': $path = '/baz'; break; } wp_redirect( home_url( $path ) ); die; } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'maybe_do_form_redirect' );
Remove the List-Unsubscribe header
add_filter( 'groundhogg/list_unsubscribe_header', '__return_empty_string' );
Add fake email address when importing Contacts with no email
add_action( 'groundhogg/generate_contact_with_map/before', function ( &$fields, &$map ) { if ( ! \Groundhogg\isset_not_empty( $fields, 'email' ) ){ // Add a fake email address to the response $fields['email'] = uniqid( 'fake-email-' ) . ''; // Add the email field to the map $map['email'] = 'email'; } }, 10, 2 ); // Add priority (10) and argument count (2)
Automatically Delete a Groundhogg Contact When a WordPress User is Deleted
add_action( 'delete_user', function ( $user_id ) { // Get the related contact record $contact = \Groundhogg\get_contactdata( $user_id ); // Ensure $contact is a valid object before calling exists() if ( $contact && is_object( $contact ) && method_exists( $contact, 'exists' ) && $contact->exists() ) { // Delete the contact $contact->delete(); // Log the deletion for debugging (optional) error_log( "Deleted Groundhogg contact for user ID: $user_id" ); } else { // Log if the contact was not found error_log( "No Groundhogg contact found for user ID: $user_id" ); } });
Turn off IP location
<?php /** * Disable IP-based location extrapolation in Groundhogg. * * Filter prevents Groundhogg from using IP addresses to determine a user's location. * Useful for improving privacy and compliance with data regulations. * * @since 1.0.0 */ add_filter( 'groundhogg/should_extrapolate_location', '__return_false' );
Save a reply from Twilio into a custom field
<?php /** * Save a reply from twilio into a custom field * * @param \Groundhogg\Classes\Activity $activity the activity with sms info * @param \Groundhogg\Contact $contact the contact * * @return void */ function save_reply_to_custom_field( \Groundhogg\Classes\Activity $activity, \Groundhogg\Contact $contact ){
// Sanitize the SMS body $body = sanitize_text_field( $activity->body ); // Allow developers to modify the meta key and value $meta_key = apply_filters( 'groundhogg/twilio/reply_meta_key', 'sms_reply' ); $meta_value = apply_filters( 'groundhogg/twilio/reply_meta_value', $body ); // Update meta and check for errors $updated = $contact->update_meta( $meta_key, $meta_value ); if ( ! $updated ) { error_log( sprintf( 'Failed to save SMS reply for contact ID: %d', $contact->get_id() ) ); } }
add_action( 'groundhogg/track_activity/twilio_reply', 'save_reply_to_custom_field', 10, 2 );