Do development sites count against my license?

How It Works

Our license activation system is linked to specific URLs. To facilitate activation on local development servers—those running on your laptop or desktop—we've exempted certain common URLs and IP addresses from counting towards your license activation limit.

  • localhost
  • *.dev
  • *.local
  • *.test

You may activate your licenses on any of the above URLs or IP addresses and it won’t count against your activation limit.

If that doesn’t work, you can set your site to staging using this wp-config entry:

define( 'WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'staging' );

If you are unsure of how to edit your wp-config.php file, please consult the official WordPress help page on editing the file.

Note: you must place this code above the line that says:

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
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