Why we don't offer monthly payment options

Unlike our SaaS competitors, we only offer annual billing options and not monthly billing. Annual billing is typical of most WordPress plugins.

It's easy to forget that Groundhogg is simply a WordPress plugin because we do so much, so you might think it would make sense to offer monthly billing.

We used to offer monthly billing, but it turned out to be a mistake and unsustainable for our business model for a few reasons.

1) Our functionality guarantee

We guarantee that Groundhogg products will continue to function as they have since their last update,  even if your license expires. When your license expires you only lose support and updates.

Some customers on monthly billing would game the system, and reactivate/cancel their subscription every few months to get a year's worth of updates/support for a fraction of the price.

2) Piracy

The low cost of entry of monthly billing encouraged code pirates (nullers) to offer cracked/nulled versions of Groundhogg on GPL sites. They would only have to pay for 1 month at a time and download all the plugins.

3) Tire kickers

Monthly billing enabled people who were not our ideal customers to purchase Groundhogg for little risk, get the full suite of products, get support access, and use up a lot of resources. Many of these people ultimately canceled because it wasn't a good fit to begin with. We're a small company, we can't be spending a lot of time and resources on the wrong people. We think of our price point as a kind of "ideal customer" filter.

These problems are fairly unique to WordPress plugins, which is why you don't see many of them offering monthly billing.

If you're concerned about the upfront cost we do have deals available, just ask. You can rest assured that you'll get your money's worth, and then some.

All plans come with a 14-day money-back guarantee, or you can do a $1 demo and test drive Groundhogg before committing.

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