Task Outcomes

Task Outcomes in Groundhogg let you create custom results for tasks, giving you flexibility to track how they’re completed. Whether you’re managing sales follow-ups, support tickets, or marketing campaigns, Task Outcomes help you define what Task steps(statuses) look like. 
For example:
  • To Do - Tasks that have been identified but not yet started.
  • In Progress - Tasks currently being worked on.
  • On Hold - Tasks paused or delayed for some reason.
  • Under Review - Tasks completed but awaiting feedback or approval.
  • Approved - Tasks that have been reviewed and accepted, but not fully finalized.
  • Done! - Tasks fully completed and closed out.
  • There are two ways to generate outcomes. 

    1. When marking a task complete by clicking the "Thumbs up"

    2. Choosing to "Record activity" under the "Kebab menu"(3 vertical dots)

    a popup window will be displayed offering outcomes and details

    You can add custom outcomes using the "Manage outcomes" link..

    • Use the "+" to add outcomes 
    • Use the "x" to remove 
    • [ Save Changes ]

    Add additional details in the WYSIWYG textarea below which contains (Bold, Italic, Unordered list, Ordered list, Left justified, Centered justified, Right justified, Link, Add media and Task Templates). Resizing the window by grabbing the bottom right corner and dragging it to adjust is also possible.

    After clicking "Mark complete" or "Adding activity", a timeline will be added to the Task with the outcome.

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