
This Groundhogg hook executes after the submission handler successfully handles the submission request.

do_action( 'groundhogg/form/submission_handler/after', $submission, $contact, $this );

To use this hook, you are essentially hooking into an action that occurs after a form submission in the Groundhogg plugin for WordPress. Here's how you can use this hook with an example:

Understanding the Hook:
  • Action Hook: 'groundhogg/form/submission_handler/after'
  • Parameters:
    • $submission : This is the submission object from the form, containing all the data submitted.
    • $contact : This is the contact object associated with the form submission.
    • $this : This refers to the instance of the class or context where the form handler is called.
Example Use Case: Let's say you want to perform some custom logging or additional processing after a form is submitted:
// Add your custom action to the hook
add_action( 'groundhogg/form/submission_handler/after', 'custom_after_submission_action', 10, 3 );

function custom_after_submission_action( $submission, $contact, $form_handler ) {
    // Log the submission data
    error_log( "Form Submission: " . print_r( $submission, true ) );
    // Example: Send an email notification
    $email = $contact->email;
    // Assuming you have a function to send emails
    send_custom_email( $email, "Form Submission Received", "Thanks for submitting the form!" );
    // Or maybe update some custom fields in the contact
    $contact->update_meta( 'last_submitted_form', $submission->form_id );
  • Hook Registration: add_action( 'groundhogg/form/submission_handler/after', 'custom_after_submission_action', 10, 3 ); registers your function custom_after_submission_action to run after the form submission handler. The 10 is the priority, and 3 indicates that the function accepts three arguments, aligning with $submission, $contact, and $form_handler.
  • Function Implementation: In custom_after_submission_action, you can perform actions like logging, sending notifications, updating contact data, etc., using the data provided by the $submission and $contact objects.
Additional Considerations:
  • Ensure that any functions like send_custom_email or methods like update_meta are defined elsewhere in your plugin or theme if they are not part of Groundhogg's API.
  • Always check for the existence of properties or methods before using them to avoid errors, especially if you're not certain about the structure of the $submission or $contact objects.

This approach allows you to extend the functionality of Groundhogg's form submission process without modifying its core code, which is beneficial for plugin updates and maintenance.

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