Text Messaging (SMS): Introduction

Groundhogg's amazing stacks provide access to SMS marketing along with email marketing. 

You can enable SMS marketing in Groundhogg by installing the SMS plugin on your website. You can download the plugin from our website or getting it as part of the pro plan (or above).

Once you successfully install the SMS plugin you will be able to see a new section under Groundhogg. Using this section you can create a new SMS template. 

Groundhogg SMS supports the replacement code where you can send personalized SMS to contacts.

With the SMS plugin, Groundhogg adds two actions:

Send SMS

When the Send SMS action is used as a step in a funnel an SMS(text message) will be sent with the following settings:

  • Search for an SMS template... - Search by entering the first few characters or choose from the available templates.
  • + Create new SMS - Click the link and a popup will be presented. Enter the SMS title, content and select message type(Marketing, Transactional). [ Save Changes ]
  • If a template has been selected you can click the "Pencil icon" Edit to edit this template. 

SMS Admin Notification

When the SMS Admin Notification action is used as a step in a funnel an SMS(text message) will be sent with the following settings:

  • Enter who should receive this notification? - Enter a phone number including "+" and the country code.
  • What do you want to send? - Enter content for the text.

NOTE: You will need at least one service plugin to send SMS to contact.(ex: Twilio, AWS, SMS77 etc.

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