Introduction to Actions

Actions are inside of a funnel and they are what happens after something else happens. We are going to explain some of the actions available and you may have different ones depends on what extensions you have installed.

Send email:

This action will trigger an email to be sent to the contacts in your funnel list. You can include HTML, you can use texts, you can use shortcodes from some integrations.

Admin notification:

When you include this, an email will be sent to the email address you set in the setup of the funnel. This could be used to notify when someone has completed a course, or when someone fills out a request form.

Apply tag:

A tag will be applied to each contact in the funnel who has navigated through the funnel to this step. If this step is conditional, the contact will only be tagged if the criteria are met.  

Remove tag:

When you include this action, a tag will be removed to each contact in the funnel who has navigated through the funnel to this step. If this step is conditional, the contact will only be tagged if the criteria are met. 

Add note:

This action allows you to include any message about the contact in your funnel. The information set in this action shows up under the notes tab in each contact that meets the criteria in this step. The contact will have no clue what you have entered so you can include any notes that you will would be useful for the staff to know about.

Delay timer:

This action allows you to set a specific amount of time before the next step in a funnel is triggered. You are also allowed to choose how the next step runs in relation to the amount of delay.

There are many different sorts of timing you can do, from minutes to months from now. You can also choose to run it immediately or at a specific time. If you choose a specific time then you can choose if you want to run it in your timezone or the contact's timezone. 

The timing will be stored in UTC 0 time, so if you are looking elsewhere and it looks weird, first do the timezone converting before changing it.

Create deal:

If you have the sales pipeline addon, this will create a deal with the contact. You can have as many deals as you want and assign as many deals to single contacts as your want. 

Date timer:

If you want something to happen at a very specific date and time then you can use this.

There are some conditional controls that this action adds to your workflow.

  • What date is important to the next step in the funnel (workflow)
  • What happens if that specific date and time has passed

If the date has passed variables:

  •  Pass-Through - continue in a linear flow to the next step
  • Skip to Step - you can progress the contact down the funnel to a distinct step but you can not move the contact up the funnel
  • Stop Funnel - you can completely remove the contact from this funnel. 

Field timer:

You can set an action on a very specific date and time that is mapped from a specific field. This field can be populated in forms and then used as a test for the next step. There are some conditional controls that this action adds to your workflow.

  • What date is important to the next step in the funnel (workflow)
  • Run the next step before or after the specific date
  • When happens if the specific date and time has passed

There are many variables:

wait at least (before, after)

time (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months)

run (immediately, a specific time)

If the date has passed variables:

  • pass-through - continue in a linear flow to the next step
  • skip to step - progress the contact down the funnel to a distinct step but you can not move the contact up the funnel
  • Stop Funnel - you can completely remove the contact from this funnel.

Advanced timer:

You can set an action based on a general date and time such as "next Tuesday". You can use this to run funnels that are repetitive or based on a specific day, week, or month.

If the date has passed variables:

  • pass-through - continue in a linear flow to the next step
  • skip to step - progress the contact down the funnel to a distinct step but you can not move the contact up the funnel
  • Stop Funnel - you can completely remove the contact from this funnel.

Apply owner:

This action allows you to assign a new or different owner to the contact who is at this point in the funnel. Selecting more than one owner will create a round-robin type of funnel. 

Create user:

This action will create users within your WordPress app. You have the option to set the user role in this step. 

NOTE: If a user already exists you can change their user role or add them with a new role. This action is based on the user's email and will search the wp_user table before creating a second user.  

NOTE: The "Create User" action prevents Users with the capability: edit_contacts from being edited. Modifying user roles without caution poses security concerns. To avoid potential issues, such as accidentally demoting the administrator, Groundhogg restricts this process to prevent any unintended consequences.

Edit meta:

This action allows you to update any metadata that is attached to a contact or user profile.
*Review a list of available meta-field names available on the list of replacement codes. 


Groundhogg provides webhooks that you can use to communicate with other software or instances where Groundhogg is located on another website.

Send SMS:

This action allows you to send one-way text messages to contacts in your funnel.

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