REST API V4 / Contacts

The contacts API allows you to fetch, add, edit, and delete contacts.

Contact Properties

Attribute Type Description
ID integer The system ID of the contact
data object The core properties of the contact containing information like name and email 
meta object Custom fields and metadata properties of a contact record in key: value format
user object|false If the contact is associated with a WordPress user the user object will be provided, if there is no user record the attribute will be false
files object[] An array of file objects
notes object[] An array of note objects

Example contact object

Create a contact

Create a new contact with this route.

POST /wp-json/gh/v4/contacts

Sample Request

Sample Response

Create a contact via the API using wp_remote_post()

Retrieve a contact

Fetch a contact with this route.
GET /wp-json/gh/v4/contacts/<ID>

Sample Response

Update a contact

Update a contact with this route.
PATCH /wp-json/gh/v4/contacts/<ID>

Sample request

Sample response

Delete a contact

Delete a contact with this route.
DELETE /wp-json/gh/v4/contacts/<ID>

Sample response

    "status": "success"

Sample Code

add_filter( 'delete_contact', 'my_custom_function', 10, 2 );  

* Your custom function to run
* @param $success bool  
* @param $contact \Groundhogg\Contact  
function my_custom_function( $success, $contact ){
 	 // Return out if the action previously failed or the contact does not exist
 	if ( ! $success || ! \Groundhogg\is_a_contact( $contact ) ){
 		return $success;
 	 // delete the contact 

 	 	return WP_Error( 'deleted', 'contact deleted' ); 
}  ?>

List contacts

Retrieve several contacts with this route

GET /wp-json/gh/v4/contacts

Sample request

Sample response

Additional Examples:

Create new tags
"data": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "Sai",
"last_name": "Behera"
"tags": [ "my new tag" ]

To create multiple tags, separate them with a comma

 [ "my new tag", "my new tag 2, "my new tag 3"]
Add contact with existing tags
"data": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "Sai",
"last_name": "Behera"
"tags": [ 1, 2, 3 ]

For multiple tags, you can use either an array of IDs or  tag names

[ 1, 2, 3 ] or [ 'tag 1', 'tag 2', 'tag 3' ]

Update checkbox meta fields
The internal name is the name given to the custom field. 

  "data": {
    "email": ""
  "meta" : {
    "Internal Name": [
      "Option A",
      "Option B",
      "Option C"
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