Companies: Import from a CSV file
If you are coming from another CRM (or maybe your Excel sheet) you may already have a list of Companies. You can add this list into Groundhogg easily.
Requirements: Company Records Extension installed and activated.
Step 1
Make sure you have a valid CSV file (filename ends with .csv). Make sure all your columns have headers! The "Name" is the only required header.
For example:
Name | Industry | Website | Address | Phone |
Testme Inc. | Software | | 1234 Main St., Smallsville, CA, 92882 | 000-000-0000 |
Step 2
To import your companies into Groundhog go to Groundhogg > Companies > Import
Either Drag your CSV file or click the [ Select Files ] and browse to where your CSV file is located on your computer our drag and drop the file.
Step 3
Map your fields in your CSV to the company fields in Groundhogg.
If you have custom fields you want to import, map those fields Custom Meta in the dropdown.
If you would like to associate existing contacts with this company and they have a similar email address to the company, check the box.
You can check on the process by visiting the Background tasks log