Action: Send Email
If you want an email to be sent right after something happens then you can use Send Email to have any email be sent.
What you want to do, is add Send Email to the funnel, by dragging it from the right-hand side over to the list of the steps. You can put it anywhere in the funnel.
You will notice that a triangle appears to the far left of the step you just added, this is because it’s telling you that you need to select an email to be sent. Not only that, but you will then want to select the dropdown and select the email you want to be sent. This will show all the emails you have entered into Groundhogg and you can edit the email as you need.
Once you have selected the email you want to send, you want to make sure that it appears in the field beside Select an email to send: . The step name will change to the name of the email.
Make sure to hit save after you have selected the email. If you get the notification that you still have emails in draft mode, then you will need to make that selected email ready by going to the emails, finding the email, then changing it to be ready.