REST API V4 / Deals

The deals API lets you fetch, add, edit, and delete deals.

Deal Properties

Attribute Type Description
ID integer The system ID of the deal
data object The core properties of the deal contain information like value and owner.
meta object Custom fields and metadata properties of a deal record in key: value format
related array List of any related objects that are associated with the deal, such as notes and contacts

Example deal object

Create a Deal

Create a new deal with this route.

POST /wp-json/gh/v4/deals/

Sample Request

Sample Response

Link a Contact to a Deal

POST /wp-json/gh/v4/deals/<ID>/relationships/

Sample Request

    "other_id" : 1,
    "other_type" : "contact"

Retrieve a Deal

Fetch a contact with this route.
GET /wp-json/gh/v4/deals/<ID>

Sample Response

Update a Deal

Update a deal with this route.
PATCH /wp-json/gh/v4/deals/<ID>

Sample request

Sample response

Delete a Deal

Delete a deal with this route.
DELETE /wp-json/gh/v4/deals/<ID>

Sample response

    "status": "success"

List Deals

Retrieve several deals with this route

GET /wp-json/gh/v4/deals/

Sample requests

Search by pipeline

GET /wp-json/gh/v4/deals/?pipeline_id=1 

Search by status

GET /wp-json/gh/v4/deals/?status=won 

Search by contact

GET /wp-json/gh/v4/deals/?related[ID]=8&related[type]=contact

Sample response

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