Brizy Forms Integration

Brizy is a premium WordPress website builder that lets you visually build WordPress sites using elements. The Brizy “Form” block allows the building and placement of forms on any page built with Brizy. The form block lets you build custom forms, the data in these forms can be added to contacts in Groundhogg. 

Requirements: Groundhogg, Advance Features Extension, Brizy, and Brizy Pro

  1. Create a funnel - Groundhogg > Funnels [ Add New ]
  2. Click the [ Start from scratch ] button
  3. Name the funnel "Brizy Form Funnel"
  4. Click [ Benchmarks ], Drag the Webhook Listener into the funnel
  5. Set funnel "Active" and [ Save ]
  6. Copy the Listener URL to your clipboard
  7. Create a Page and [ Edit with Brizy ] button
  9. Click "+" to Create your own layout or Search "Form" and select a predesigned layout
    Click the "+" to add a block to the layout Search for "Form", and drag and drop into the layout
    For the predesigned, select the one you want by clicking  on the image
  10. With the Form placed in the layout, click the button and a mini menu will appear, click the "plug"
  11. A model menu will be displayed containing tabs(Email, Apps, ReCAPTCHA), Click the APPS and Webhook
  12. Paste the Webhook Listener URL into the WEBHOOK URL field and "POST" in the REQUEST METHOD field and [ Connect ]
  13. A list of fields and their field names will be presented, click [ Continue → ]
  14. Success!
  15. Visit the form, and fill in the fields, submit
  16. Return to your "Brizy Form Funnel", and click the
    [ Map Request Fields ] and map each field to Groundhogg fields, [ Save ]
Congratulations! Your Brizy form is now seamlessly linked with Groundhogg. With this enhanced funnel, you can effortlessly implement more marketing automation strategies, such as nurturing campaigns, weekly newsletters, and even birthday celebrations.
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