
In Groundhogg, constants are predefined variables that store specific values or settings and remain unchanged throughout the execution of the application. They are used to define configurations, paths, database settings, security keys, and other essential parameters. Constants are set in the wp-config.php file and help maintain consistency and stability within the Groundhogg environment.

These are the current Constants available:

  • GH_MASTER_LICENSE - Your Groundhogg License 
  • GH_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY - Google reCAPTCHA Seceret key

You can add these constants before the line that says

	/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */


define( 'GH_MASTER_LICENSE' , '123456789');
define( 'GH_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY', '987654321' );
define( 'GH_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY', '6543217890' );

Note: The license key is bound to the URL of the site it's activated on. If the URL changes you will need to re-license the extensions.

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