Merging Companies

Merging duplicate company records in Groundhogg is essential for maintaining a streamlined database, enhancing team efficiency, and optimizing marketing strategies. Here's a comprehensive guide to assist you through the process:

Steps to Merge Company Records:

  1. Access the Primary Company Record:
    • Navigate to the company record you intend to retain as the primary. Groundhogg > Companies > Click the Primary Company of choice
    • Click on the three dots located in the top-left corner of the company card.
    • Select the "Merge" option from the dropdown menu.
  2. Select the Duplicate Company:
    • In the search field, enter the name of the duplicate company you wish to merge into the primary record.
    • Once identified, confirm the selection by clicking the Select link.
  3. Finalize the Merge:
    • Review the details carefully, as this action is irreversible.
    • Click "Merge" to proceed.
    • The page will refresh automatically, completing the merge process.

What happens?

What happens when two companies are merged? Here is a helpful table to understand which data is moved and where it is moved to.


These terms will help you understand what's happening.

Primary Company The company which you initiated the merge
Other Company The company which is being merged into the primary company


Here's what happens to each data point

Company Name The details of the primary company are preserved unless there is missing information in which data from the other company is used to replace that data.
Industry, Website, Phone, Address The details of the primary company are preserved unless there is missing information in which data from the other company is used to replace that data.
Custom Fields & Meta Data The details of the  primary company are preserved unless there is missing information in which data from the other company is used to replace that data.
Notes All notes are transferred to the primary company.
Files All files are moved to the primary company's file box.
Other data type associations Other associations like form submissions, payments, companies, deals, contracts, and more will be attributed to the primary company record, preserving all data.
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