Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Benchmarks

Easy Digital downloads have five benchmarks. These benchmarks are used to automate funnels and send automated emails based on the contact's actions.

Cart Updated: This benchmark executes when the cart is updated and can be defined with Any/All If the cart contains these products, And with Any/All contains products in these categories, And with Any/All contains products with these tags, And value of the cart is (Equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to) the value of the order.

Cart Abandoned: This benchmark executes when the cart is abandoned and can be defined with Any/All when the cart is abandoned and contains these products, And with Any/All contains products in these categories, And with Any/All contains products with these tags, And value of the cart is (Equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to) the value of the order.

Emptied Cart: This benchmark executes when users remove all the products from their carts.

New Order: This benchmark executes when a new order is placed and can be defined with Any/All If the order contains these products, And with Any/All contains products in these categories, And with Any/All contains products with these tags, And order subtotal is (Equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to) the value of the order, And was processed via any of these payment gateways.

Order Status Changed: This benchmark executes when the status of the order changes from one status to another, which could mean from (Pending payment, Processing, On Hold, Completed, Cancelled, Refunded, Failed, Draft or other custom statuses). Also can be defined with Any/All If the order contains these products, And with Any/All contains products in these categories, And with Any/All contains products with these tags, And order subtotal is (Equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to) the value of the order, And was processed via any of these payment gateways.

There are three benchmarks that are legacy. These have been replaced but can still be available by turning on the "Enable Legacy Funnel Steps".
Visit Groundhogg > Settings > Misc - check the Show "Enable Legacy Funnel Steps" and [ Save Changes ]

Download purchased(Legacy): This benchmark executes when the user successfully purchases products. Replaced by New Order benchmark.

Payment Refunded(Legacy): This benchmark is executed when any download(s) is refunded, the refunded downloads contains tags, the refunded downloads are in categories. Replaced by Order Status Changed benchmark.

Reached Checkout: This benchmark executes when users reached the checkout page while buying the product.

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