Benchmark: Web Form

Want information on someone? Or want them to register for something? A Groundhogg web form may work for you. 

To create a form there is a step in a funnel called Web Form which is under Benchmarks. You want to click and drag from the right side to the left.

When you click on it, you can edit the box to include any fields that Groundhogg has to offer.

By default, it starts you with First Name, Last Name, and Email.

To add additional fields click the [ Add Field ] button. 

Content tab

Select the type of field(First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Birthday, Custom Field, Line 1, Line 2, City, State, Zip Code, Country, GDPR Consent, Terms & Conditions, Hidden, Text, URL, Email, Phone Number, Textarea, Number, Dropdown, Radio, Checkbox List, Checkbox, Date, Date & Time, Time, FIle, HTML)

Add the label, an internal name will be created but you can change it.
Add a Placeholder
Hide Lable (Yes/No)
Required field (Yes/No)
Set the Column Width( 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/3, 3/4 )

Advanced Tab

A value* can be added to the value including replacement codes by clicking on the person icon.
Add a CSS ID
Add a CSS Class

*If using a Checkbox List, Checkbox, Dropdown and want them selected by default enter the option separated by commas. If using a Radio enter the single value. 

An "After submit..." section is provided to either stay on the page and provide a response or add a URL to redirect to another page. You can also pass dynamic data

To keep the user on the same page after submitting the form, toggle the "Stay on page after submitting?" option to "Yes". This allows you to use HTML and replacement codes to create a fully customized message, including dynamic content such as an unsubscribe link or other form data.

To style your form you can select the Theme: Theme Default, Simple, Modern, Classic, or add some custom code. And use the color picker for the accent color. 

Want someone to be able to see the form? You can use the embed options on the right-hand side of the box, these embed options include, shortcode, iframe or hosted (link).

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