Zapier Integration: Create zap triggers

Once you have your zap action-ready in your funnel it's time to create a Zap.

To create Zap you need to login into your Zapier account. You can create a Zap by clicking on the MAKE A ZAP button in the right corner or using the Zap Editor.

You need to create a trigger inside your Zap to listen for notifications from Groundhogg. To create a trigger search for Webhooks by Zapier.

Once you selected “Webhooks by Zapier” it will prompt you to the next screen. Here we need to select the type of request and the name of the hook.

In this screen select the catch hook and click “Save + Continue“

In the next section, the zap will ask for the “child key“.

In this section, you need to enter contact as the key. Make sure to enter a contact in lower case. After entering this field click on “Continue”. Now your trigger is almost ready.

It's time to retrieve sample data from Groundhogg and test the newly created Zap. 

To send a request to your Zap copy the displayed link and past that link inside your funnel Zap action.

Enter your newly created URL inside the Zap action. Once you’ve done that go back to your Zap editor and click the “Ok, I did this” button. Then click on the “Test This Zap!” button in your action step.

If everything goes according to plan, you will able to see sample data retrieved by Zapier from Groundhogg and you can now configure what to do with that data.

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