GiveWP Integration: Benchmarks

GiveWP has two benchmarks. 

Before using this benchmark you will want to create a donation form in GiveWP

Drag and Drop the GiveWP Benchmark into the flow

New Donation: This benchmark executes when a new donation is created and paid and can be defined with: 

  • Select a donation form(s). Leave blank for any donation.
  • Select donations type(s) (One-time, New Subscription, Renewal)
  • Enter donation amount is (Equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to) the value of the donation.

Donation Status Changed: This benchmark executes when the status of a donation is changed.

  • Select status(s) (Pending, Processing, Completed, Refunded, Failed, Cancelled, Abandoned, Preapproval, Revoked, Renewal) To... (Pending, Processing, Completed, Refunded, Failed, Cancelled, Abandoned, Preapproval, Revoked, Renewal)
  • Select a donation form(s). Leave blank for any donation.
  • Select donations type(s) (One-time, New Subscription, Renewal)
  • Enter donation amount is (Equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to) the value of the donation.

You can add any additional benchmarks or actions.

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