Manage Logs

In the Manage section, you will find 4 tools.

These tools can help with issues such as stuck processes or purging logs to clear up space.

It's recommended to create a backup before using these tools, as some historical data may be lost.

Purge historical event logs

To purge Cancelled/Skipped/Failed or Completed events:

  1. Enter the value of Years, Months, Weeks or Days for "Delete completed event logs older than...". Example: 1 Weeks
  2. Select the type of log that should be deleted.(Everything, Broadcast events, Funnel events,Other events)
  3. Type "confirm" and click the [ Delete ] button

Cancel Waiting/Paused Events

To cancel Waiting/Paused events:

  1. Select the type of log that should be deleted. (All waiting events, All paused Events, All broadcast events, All funnel events,)
  2. Type "confirm" and click the [ Cancel ] button

Fix unprocessed events*

If there are unprocessed events you will be presented with a link( View a list of X unprocessed events. )

*Processed events can be caused by website times out while the queue is running, or there is a fatal error

To handle unprocessed events:

  1. Select the action you would like to take( Cancel them or Fix them and then run immediately )
  2. Enter the value of time( Older than, Within the last - Number of: Years, Months, Weeks or Days ) that this action applies to. 
  3. Type "confirm" and click the [ Submit ] button

Purge historical activity logs

To purge historical activity logs:

  1. Enter the value of Years, Months, Weeks or Days for "Delete completed event logs older than...". Example: 1 Weeks
  2. Select the type of log that should be deleted.(Everything, Email Opens, Email Clicks, Login history)
  3. Type "confirm" and click the [ Delete ] button
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