
Groundhogg comes with these filters to allow you to filter by:

*You can use these filters together in combination

NOTE: You will have additional filters based on the plugins and integrations( AffiliateWP, Companies, Easy Digital Downloads, GiveWP, WooCommerce ) you have installed. Also, any "Custom Meta Fields" that have been created will be available to search.

( First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Birthday, Age, Date Created, Opt-in Status, Marketable, Owner, Tags, Custom Meta, Contact ID )

First Name, Last Name, and Email Address offer the same filters
  1. Select First Name, Last Name or Email Address Value is (Equals, Not equals, Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Does not start with, Does not end with, Is empty, Is not empty)
  2. Enter a value
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Phone Number
  1. Select Phone Number Type Value is (Primary Phone, Mobile Phone, Company Phone)
  2. Value is (Equals, Not equals, Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Does not start with, Does not end with, Is empty, Is not empty)
  3. Enter a value
  4. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  5. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Birthday and Date Created  offer the same filters
  1. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days,  In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between, Tomorrow, In the next 24 hours, In the next  7 days, In the next 14 days,  In the next 30 days, In the next 60 days, In the next 90 days, In the next 365 days, In the next X days)
  2. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  3. Click the trash can to remove the filter
  1. Age Value is (Equals, Not equals, Less than, Less than or equals to, Greater than, Greater Than or equals to )
  2. Enter a value
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Opt-in Status
  1. Select (Is one of, Is not one of)
  2. Select a status( Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Unsubscribed, Subscribed weekly, Subscribed monthly, Bounced, Spam, Complained )
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter
  1. Select if marketable(Yes, No)
  2. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  3. Click the trash can to remove the filter
  1. Select (Is one of, Is not one of)
  2. Select Owner(s)
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter
  1. Select to (Include, Exclude)
  2. Select(Any, All)
  3. Select tag(s)
  4. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  5. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Custom Meta
  1. Enter the Metadata name(Internal name)
  2. Select Value is (Equals, Not equals, Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Does not start with, Does not end with, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater then, Greater than or equal to, Is empty, Is not empty)
  3. Enter the value
  4. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  5. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Contact ID
  1. Select Value of ID (Equals, Not equals, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater then, Greater than or equal to)
  2. Enter ID
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter

Contact Location
( Country, State/Province, City, Street Address 1, Street Address 2, Zip/Postal Code )

  1. Select Country
  2. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  3. Click the trash can to remove the filter
State/Province and City offer the same filters
  1. Enter a State, Province, and State
  2. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  3. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Street Address 1, Street Address 2 and Zip/Postal Code offer the same filters
  1. Street Address 1 or 2, Zip/Postal Code is (Equals, Not equals, Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Does not start with, Does not end with, Is empty, Is not empty)
  2. Enter a value
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter

( Has User Account, User Role, User Meta, User ID )

Has User Account
  1. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  2. Click the trash can to remove the filter
User Role
  1. Select a Role ( Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber, Marketer, Sales Manager, Sales Representative, or any added Roles. )
  2. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  3. Click the trash can to remove the filter
User Meta
  1. Enter the User Meta name
  2. Select Value is (Equals, Not equals, Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Does not start with, Does not end with, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater then, Greater than or equal to, Is empty, Is not empty)
  3. Enter the value
  4. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  5. Click the trash can to remove the filter
User ID
  1. Select Value of ID (Equals, Not equals, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater then, Greater than or equal to)
  2. Enter ID
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter

( Email Received, Email Opened, Email Link Clicked, Confirmed Email Address, Unsubscribed, Opt-in Status Changed, Page Visited, Logged In, Logged Out, Has Not Logged In, Was Active, Was Inactive, Custom Activity )

Email Received, and Email Opened offer the same filters*
  1. Select an email or leave blank for any email
  2. Select( Exactly, Less than, More Than, At most, At Least )
  3. Enter a value for the number of times
  4. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days,  In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  5. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  6. Click the trash can to remove the filter

    *These filters are based on funnels, if you are looking for "received", or "opened" on a broadcast use the Received  Broadcast, Openend  Broadcast
  1. Select an email or leave blank for any email
  2. Start typing to select a link or leave blank for any link
  3. Select( Exactly, Less than, More Than, At most, At Least )
  4. Enter a value for the number of times
  5. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days, In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  6. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  7. Click the trash can to remove the filter

    *This filter is based on funnels, if you are looking for "Email Link Clicked" on a broadcast use the Broadcast Link Clicked
Confirmed Email Address
  1. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days, In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  2. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  3. Click the trash can to remove the filter
  1. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days, In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  2. Select Unsubscribe reason(Doesn't know why they're subscribed, Not interested, Irrelevant content, Too many emails, Too complicated, Too Repetitive, Spamming, One-click, Other)
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Opt-in Status Changed
  1. Select Opt-in Status ( Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Unsubscribed, Subscribed weekly, Subscribed monthly, Bounced, Spam, Complained )
  2. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days, In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Page Visited
  1. Start typing to select a link or leave blank for any link
  2. Select( Exactly, Less than, More Than, At most, At Least )
  3. Enter a value for the number of times
  4. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days, In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  5. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  6. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Logged In, Logged Out, and Has Not Logged In offer the same filters
  1. Enter a value for the number of times
  2. Select( Exactly, Less than, More Than, At most, At Least )
  3. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days, In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  4. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  5. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Was active and Was inactive In offer the same filters
  1. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days, In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  2. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  3. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Custom Activity
  1. Enter name of Cusotm Activity
  2. Value of Select( Exactly, Less than, More Than, At most, At Least ) times
  3.  Select( Exactly, Less than, More Than, At most, At Least ) number of times
  4. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days, In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  5. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  6. Click the trash can to remove the filter

Funnel History
( Funnel History )

  1. Select a funnel
  2. Select a step or leave empty
  3. Select a time frame (At any time, Today, This week, Last week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, In the last 24 hours, In the last 7 days, In the last 14 days, In the last 30 days, In the last 60 days, In the last 90 days, In the last 365 days, In the last X days, Before, After, Between)
  4. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  5. Click the trash can to remove the filter

( Received Broadcast, Opened Broadcast, Broadcast Link Clicked )

Received Broadcast and Openend  Broadcast Code offer the same filters
  1. Select a Broadcast
  2. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  3. Click the trash can to remove the filter
  1. Select a Broadcast
  2. Start typing to select a link or leave blank for any link
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter

( Saved Search, Sub Query, Child relationship, Parent relationship)

  1. Select (In, Not in)
  2. Select type of search
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Sub Query
  1. Add filter(s) to either Include, Exclude or both
  2. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  3. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Child relationship
  1. Enter the Parent Type("Contact", "Email", "Funnel", "Company", "Deal" )
  2. Enter the Parent ID
  3. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  4. Click the trash can to remove the filter
Parent relationship
  1. Enter the Child Type("Contact", "Email", "Funnel", "Company", "Deal" )
  2. Enter the Child ID
  3. Add filter(s) to either Include, Exclude or both
  4. Click the ✓ to apply the filter
  5. Click the trash can to remove the filter
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