Text Messaging (SMS): Settings

The SMS Extension has settings available located at Groundhogg > Settings - SMS tab

NOTE: You will need at least one service plugin to send SMS to contact.(ex: Twilio, AWS, SMS77 etc.)

Transactional SMS Service - Select which installed service should send your transactional SMS messages.

Marketing SMS Service - Select which installed service should send your marketing SMS messages.

Tracking Links - Groundhogg SMS also provides link-tracking functionality. This feature restructures the links, and if you want to turn it off, check the disable checkbox.

Remove Website Name - When Groundhogg sends SMS to the customer it will add your website name at the beginning of the SMS so users can identify where it is coming from. To disable this feature check the enable checkbox.

Default Country - When Groundhogg sends SMS it fetches the contact's country from contact metadata. If the contact does not have a country, it is set to the USA by default. Select the default country.

Note: Additional settings will be available depending on what service extensions you install(ex: Twilio, AWS, SMS77 etc.).

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