SMTP: Introduction

The SMTP extension plugin allows you to use any SMTP service to send emails through Groundhogg. 

*To monitor bounces and complaints, consider using one of Groundhogg's SMTP Integration extensions.

To get started with this service, you need to go to Groundhogg's website and download the SMTP plugin, or get it as part of the basic plan (or above) and install it on your website. 

Once you successfully integrated the Groundhogg SMTP plugin you will be able to see new settings inside the Email tab in your Groundhogg settings.

Update all the fields with the information provided by your SMTP service provider. Once updated, click on [ Save changes ].

Next, go to the top of the Email settings tab and choose the Outgoing Email settings for "WordPress Email," "Transactional Email," and "Marketing Email." You can set them all to SMTP or configure them separately.

To test the settings, scroll down to the SMTP settings and click the [ Send Test Email ] button. This will send a test email to the current user's email address. Check your email inbox to ensure you receive it. If you don't see the email, check your spam folder.

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