Email Editor

To use the Advanced Email Editor, visit Groundhogg > Emails

From this screen, you can select from a list of existing emails, add new, broadcast, or search based on the email name. 

Sorting is available based on email type(Alll, Ready, Templates, Draft, Marketing, Transactional, Block Editor, HTML, Trash)

[ Add New ]

  • Select a template - Hover over the list of available templates to preview and click to select
  • Search for a template - Search by name of available templates
  • Import HTML 
  • Import a template
  • Start from Scratch

When creating a new email click the "My new email" and name the email. Add a Subject and a Preview.

On the right:

  • Undo and redo arrows 
    Undo: Reverse the last action or series of actions.
    Redo: Repeat the action that was previously undone.
  • Desktop and Mobile preview
    Desktop Preview and Mobile Preview allow you to view content on different devices.
  • Plain text preview
    Groundhogg automatically creates a text version of the email for you to preview.
  • [ Send Test ]
    You can send a test to several addresses.
  • Save draft
    Allows you to store your work for later editing and refinement.
  • [ Publish ]

After publishing an email an additional option is available. You will see a "kebab menu"(stacked three dots) in the top right. This provides the following options:

  • Broadcast
    Quick access to Broadcasts to this email to a large list of contacts all at once.
  • Export
    As a JSON file to import on another site running Groundhogg or as a backup
  • Export as HTML
    Creates an HTML version of the email for use in other 
  • Delete
    Quick way to remove this email

The subject and preview will accept replacement codes.

The Email editor is made up of three sections. 

The left column(1) is the block selection containing the following blocks:

All blocks contain:

  • Advanced Tab
  • Ability to copy and paste a block. It will paste the block after the selected block. 
  • All blocks can be drag and drop to be sorted, duplicated, and deleted

When hovering over a block a light blue frame will surround the block and it will display the block type in the bottom right corner along with a Compass icon. The pointer with turn to a hand and you can drag and drop the block.

Clicking the block will present a copy page icon for duplicating the block and a trash can icon to delete a block

In the middle column(2) is the content section which contains the subject and preview text.

The last section(3) on the right is the settings section. It's dynamic and based on what you have selected in the content section will display settings. 


Send this email from...
You can select a User with the role above Subscriber or the Contact Owner.

Send replies to...
Replies can be set to a User who has a role as Administrator. 

Message Type
Select between a Marketing or Transactional. The "Don't want these emails? Unsubscribe." link is removed from the "Transactional Message Type"

Enable browser view
Turning this feature on, a link will be added to the email allowing the contact to view it in their browser.

Show in templates
Turning this on will add the email to your templates.

You can select either "Full-Width", Full-Width Contained or "Boxed".

Template Settings
If "Full-Width" is selected

  • Background Color - Select a color for the background(Color picker with the global colors)
  • Background Image - Select an image from the Media library or upload an image
  • Position(Center Center, Center Left, Center Right, Top Center, Top Right, Top Left, Bottom Center, Bottom Right, Bottom Left)
  • Repeat(Default, No Repeat, Repeat, Repeat X, Repeat Y)
  • Size(Default, Auto, Cover, Contain)

If "Full-Width Contained" is selected

If "Boxed" is selected additional settings are available.

  • Email Width - Set the width of the email
  • Alignment - Select Left or centered


Custom Headers
You can add a custom header for From, Bcc, Cc, etc. Example: Key: Bcc Value:

The last tab is Editor Control

Editor Control

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