Booking Calendar: How to create an appointment booking page

You can create the front end of your appointment solutions by embedding the Google calendar into a page by using the automatically generated shortcode. To find the shortcode you need to follow the steps below.

How to set up an appointment booking page: 

Log into your WordPress install. 

Click on the Groundhogg > calendars:

Navigate to the Embed tab:

There you will be able to find both the autogenerated shortcode and the direct URL. 

How to set up a booking page with a shortcode: 

You can set up a booking page with the shortcode that is provided by Groundhogg. This will allow you to set up using the block editor with the default WordPress page builder. 

You will first want to copy the shortcode that is listed under the embed tab. 

Next, create a new page in your WordPress pages menu:

From there, you will want to add the shortcode that you copied. 

Next, you will click publish. 

Once created, you will see the calendar appear for contacts who are visiting your site.

NOTE: This will look different depending on your theme and your choice of colours. This is also editable using custom CSS.

NEXT, you will want to check how your appointments show in the admin area of WordPress.

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