Really Simple Payments: Adding webhook manually
When a user installs Really Simple Payments and tries to connect with Stripe, Groundhogg tries to create a webhook for Stripe and subscribes to it when user access keys are added inside Really Simple Payments. This allows Stripe to communicate with your site.
But in some cases, Groundhogg is unable to create the webhook. If this happens you will see a warning in your dashboard. Follow these instructions to create the webhook manually.
To add the appropriate webhook endpoints, in your Stripe dashboard go to Developer → Webhooks.
Once you have successfully navigated to the Stripe dashboard you need to click on the add new endpoint button which will open the new window to enter information.
In this window, you need to enter your website's Stripe URL and event for which notification is sent from Stripe. You can get your endpoint URL from your Really Simple Payments settings area.
Really Simple Payments listens for the two different events from Stripe which is "invoice.payment_succeeded" and "invoice.payment_failed". You need to select these two events from the drop-down list of events to send.
Once you successfully configured the required details about your endpoint, click on the " add endpoint" button which will create the new webhook inside your Stripe account and send the information about the subscriptions to your website.
When your endpoint is successfully created it opens the webhook description page which contains the information and activity of your webhook. Here, you can see the signing secret of your website. You need to copy and paste that inside your Really Simple Payments setting area to successfully configure the webhook.
Once you copy and paste the key successfully, you will able to see that the notice is removed and your set up is completed.