Search results for how to remain compliant

487 articles found

  • groundhogg/event/post_setup

    Used to do any actions after the event setup is completed. do_action( 'groundhogg/event/post_setup', $this ); it returns the object of an event as an argument. Ideal for storing custom information

  • groundhogg/event/queued

    Used to run a block of code when the event is put in an execution queue by the Groundhogg plugin. do_action('groundhogg/event/queued', $this); You will receive the object of an event class as an

  • groundhogg/tracking/email/click

    This hook is executed When tracking a link click redirect the user to the destination after performing the necessary tracking. do_action( 'groundhogg/tracking/email/click', $this ); This function

  • groundhogg/event/run/before

    This action hook is used to run custom code after the event is processed by the event queue of Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/event_queue/process/after', $this ); Using this hook developer can

  • groundhogg/submission_handler/setup

    This hook executed when the Groundhogg form is submitted. This hook is useful to perform operations on the data. do_action( 'groundhogg/submission_handler/setup', $this ); This hook provides the

  • GiveWP Integrations: Contact Metadata

    Additional information about a Contact's donations can be found in the metadata box in the right column of each Contact. Total Customer Value Successful Payments Donation ID Donation Status Donation

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}

    This hook is used to add custom code on the top of the admin pages when pages are using tab page architecture. do_action( "groundhogg/admin/{$this->get_slug()}", $this ); This hook comes with an

  • Custom fields in the list view

    Custom fields you create will show in the contact list view by default. You can hide/show custom fields by clicking on Screen Options and selecting which columns you want to see in the table. Your

  • Styling Web Forms

    Groundhogg's Web Form Benchmark uses the active theme's styles. You can add your own styling by adding the following code to either the theme's functions.php file or using a code snippet plugin.

  • AffiliateWP Integration: Replacement codes

    The AffiliateWP extension has four replacement codes. Affiliate URL {affiliate_url} Returns the URL of the affiliate. Affiliate Rate {affiliate_rate} Returns the rate of affiliate. Affiliate ID

  • [gh_contact] Shortcode

    This shortcode allows you to merge contact data into your content. This code works on a per-field basis, and you can also pass a default parameter in the event that the field doesn’t exist.

  • No dates are showing in my groundhogg contacts and events

    Are you missing dates in your contacts and events tables? Here is a quick troubleshooting tip! Log into your WordPress site Click on the Settings link Make sure you have the default settings for

  • Custom Replacement Codes: Use replacement codes

    Once you have successfully added a replacement code inside the database you will be able to view all the newly added replacement code in the replace code section. You can copy the code name from this

  • Email Editor: Block Inspector | Desktop Preview | Mobile Preview

    A mini menu is available to the left of the block selector. The menu contains three selections: Block Inspector Desktop Preview Mobile Preview Block Inspector When hovering over blocks in the

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/display/{current_action}

    This is used to add custom actions inside groundhogg admin area. This hook accepts the slug of the page and current action for which users are writing handlers.

  • groundhogg/event_queue/process/after

    This action hook is used to run custom code once Groundhogg has completed the execution of an event using the event queue. do_action( 'groundhogg/event_queue/process/after', $this ); Using this hook

  • LifterLMS Integration: Replacement codes

    LifterLMS Extension has two replacement codes. You can see a full list of replacement codes by clicking the "Insert Replacements" button that can be found in the e-mail editor and funnel editor.

  • Replacement Codes With Arguments

    Some codes require an argument to function. For example the {date} , {meta} and {GET} codes. You can specify an argument using a period . For example: {date.Y-m-d|today} The date uses PHP Date

  • Booking Calendar: Styling your calendar

    By default, the Booking Calendar is styled with "Helvetica' for the font and shades of blue. You may want to match the styling of your website and this can be accomplished using the example below.

  • groundhogg/{object_type}/post_update

    This hook is one of the core hooks of Groundhogg. This hook is executed when an updated operation completed. This hook accepts object type in it so it will run for that specific object only.

  • WooCommerce Integration: Introduction

    WooCommerce is one of many eCommerce solutions that are available for WordPress. Groundhogg has an integration with WooCommerce. The WooCommerce integration is available as part of our Pro plan, or

  • Benchmark: Task Completed

    The Benchmark "Task Completed" can trigger action(s) based on any/all completed task(s). Drag and drop the "Task" Benchmark over into the flow on the left. You will be presented with some setting

  • groundhogg/{object_type}/pre_update

    This hook is one of the core hooks of Groundhogg. This hook is executed before the update operation in the database. This hook accepts object type in it so it will run for that specific object only.

  • REST API V3 / Contact / Delete

    URL DELETE /wp-json/gh/v3/contacts Method This endpoint supports the DELETE method. Request To delete a contact record you must pass these arguments. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED EXAMPLE id_or_email string |

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Examples

    Examples Abandon cart recovery Refund win back Request a review Subscribe and send discount [EDD] Abandoned cart recovery (Included) Recover abandoned carts and get more sales! [EDD] Refund win back

  • GiveWP Integration: Introduction

    GiveWP is one of the most popular donation plugins for WordPress, with over 100,000 active users. GiveWP offers a wide range of features, including Multiple payment gateways, Recurring donations,

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Introduction

    Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is a Top Tier eCommerce solution for companies exclusively selling digital products (Audio Files, PDFs, WordPress Plugins, Apps) and Groundhogg provides direct

  • Adding custom contact table columns

    This code is used to add the custom column inside Groundhogg's contact table. <?php add_action( 'groundhogg_contact_columns', 'add_my_custom_column' ); function add_my_custom_column( $cols ){ $cols[

  • REST API V3 / Tags / Create

    URL POST /wp-json/gh/v3/tags Method This endpoint supports the POST method. Request You can create single or multiple tags using this endpoint. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION tags array yes Tag

  • Email Blocks: Button

    Button Block Tab Content Text(Enter the text for the button, Replacement code) Link(Insert a URL, Replacement code) Size(Small, Medium, Large - Default: Medium) Alignment(Right, Center, Left -

  • Email Editor Controls

    The Editor Controls contain global settings. Global Fonts Color Palettes Social Global Fonts Adjust/add font configuration for the text block. By default, paragraphs, H1, H2, and H3 have been set.

  • REST API V4 / Notes

    The notes API allows you to fetch, add, edit, and delete notes. Note Properties Attribute Type Description ID integer The system ID of the note data object The core properties of the note containing

  • Benchmark: Download Purchased

    The Benchmark "Download Purchased" can trigger action(s) when a download is purchased in Easy Digital Downloads. Drag and drop the "Download Purchased" Benchmark over into the flow on the left. You

  • Booking Calendar: Frontend design and display

    There are a few elements of the frontend design of the calendar which you can influence. The logo The calendar logo is pulled directly from your Theme's settings if your theme provides support for

  • What are the "Marketable" and "Non-marketable" tags?

    The Marketable and Un-marketable tags are special opt-in status tags that cannot be applied or removed from a contact as they are a reflection of the contact's current opt-in status and compliance

  • REST API V4 / Deals

    The deals API lets you fetch, add, edit, and delete deals. Deal Properties Attribute Type Description ID integer The system ID of the deal data object The core properties of the deal contain

  • Email Reporting

    When you arrive at the Email Reporting page you will be presented with a line graph of "Email Activity" for the last 30 days. This graph displays Emails sent, Emails Opened, and Emails Clicked. You