Creating custom reports

Groundhogg offers the ability for you to create custom reports. 

To see the custom reports go to Groundhogg -> Reporting -> Custom.

To add a report click on the [ Create New Report ].

There will be a pop-up where you can:

  1. Name: Enter the name of the report
  2. Select a Report Type (Number, Table, Pie Chart)
    • Number: Sum of a custom field, Average of a custom field, Number of distinct custom field values, Total number of activities
    • Table: Custom Field
    • Pie Chart: Custom Field
  3. Select a Report Value (Total number of contacts, Sum of a custom field, Average of a custom field, Number of distinct custom field values, Sum value of activities, Average value of activities)
  4. Filter Contacts by clicking the "+" under the Include, exclude or both. 

You can add a "header to separate/organize your custom reports. Click [ Add Header ], and enter the Title of the Header. 

Hover over Header to see a Kebab menu to Edit or delete the header.

Let's create an example, we will name it Unconfirmed Contacts. In our example, we want a number, so we will leave the report type as a number. But if you want a pie chart or table, then those options are available. Right now the only report value is the total number of contacts, so you can keep that selected. 

Filtering contacts is like how searches are done, in that you can search for specific things and if you have more extensions then you get more options.

In creating a new report, the drop-down for filtering contacts is selected and the list of ways to filter a contact come up.

If you want to do unconfirmed contacts then, select Optin Status, then is one of, then unconfirmed. After clicking the checkbox and save report. You will see it in the custom reports.

The Groundhogg custom reporting tab now with a unconfirmed contacts report that was created

You can add as many custom reports as you would like, and new ones are being added all the time. If there is a custom report you want that isn’t available, then submit it as a feature request and our development team will take it into consideration.

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