WooCommerce: Tools

Sync WooCommerce Orders

If you were using WooCommerce before installing Groundhogg then the WooCommerce orders won’t be synced with the Groundhogg contacts. You can sync them using our Sync WooCommerce Orders tool, which you can find under Tools → Misc → Sync WooCommerce Orders. Click the [ Process ] button and please be patient while this sync process works, especially if you have lots of orders.

Inside of the Groundhogg tools, the Sync WooCommerce Orders section is surrounded by red to highlight it

Woo Sync Order Processing Details.

  • Woo Sync does not require a user account—guest orders are also synced. However, tags are only applied to paid orders.
  • The only reason an order wouldn’t sync is if it has no associated billing email address.
  • One limitation is that some WooCommerce functions for retrieving orders and order totals rely on a user account. As a result, certain search functions may not include contacts created from guest orders.
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