Search results for creating custom extension for groundhogg

466 articles found

  • groundhogg/form/embed/before

    This function is used to add custom code before the embedded code. Embedded code is the HTML code which users can copy and paste from other sites to Groundhogg's form builder. do_action(

  • groundhogg/event/post_setup

    Used to do any actions after the event setup is completed. do_action( 'groundhogg/event/post_setup', $this ); it returns the object of an event as an argument. Ideal for storing custom information

  • groundhogg/safe_mode_enabled

    This action hooks run when the safe mode is enabled from the tools section of groundhogg. Groundhogg's safe mode disable all the other plugin on your site except Groundhogg once. do_action(

  • Introduction à Groundhogg(French)

    Si tu connais déjà les CRM et l'automatisation marketing, alors beaucoup de ces termes te seront sûrement familiers. Sinon, cet article te mettra au courant de ce que tu dois savoir sur les

  • groundhogg/contact/tag_removed

    This hook executes when the tag is removed from the contact. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/tag_removed', $this, $tag_id ); This operation provides two arguments which are: the object of contact and

  • groundhogg/form/shortcode/after

    This function is used to add custom code after the form shortcode is processed by the Groundhogg form builder. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/shortcode/after', $this ); This hook provides the object of

  • groundhogg/import/form/after

    This hook is used to add code after the import section on the tools page. do_action('groundhogg/import/form/after' );

  • groundhogg/safe_mode_disabled

    This action hooks run when the safe mode is disabled from the tools section of groundhogg. Disabling Groundhogg safe mode restore the website as it is. do_action( 'groundhogg/safe_mode_enabled' );

  • groundhogg/event/in_progress

    Used to run a block of code when the event before event goes to in progress mode. do_action('groundhogg/event/in_progress', $this); You will receive the object of an event class as an argument.

  • groundhogg/event/run/after

    Used to run a block of code after any event completed. do_action('groundhogg/event/run/after', $this); You will receive the object of an event class as an argument.

  • groundhogg/admin/tags/edit

    This hook is executed when the admin updates the tag from the edit screen of the tag page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/tags/edit', $id ); This hook provides a tag id as an argument.

  • groundhogg/contact/note/added

    This Groundhogg hook executes when any note is added to the contact. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/note/added', $this->ID, $note, $this ); This hook comes with three arguments which is: contact_id:

  • groundhogg/form/embed/after

    This function is used to add custom code after the embedded code. Embedded code is the HTML code which users can copy and paste on other sites form groundhogg form builder. do_action(

  • groundhogg/import/form/before

    This hook is used to add code before the import section on the tools page. do_action('groundhogg/import/form/after' );

  • Introducción a Groundhogg(Spanish)

    Si ya estás familiarizado con los CRMs y la automatización de marketing, es posible que muchos de estos términos ya te resulten familiares. Si no es así, este artículo te pondrá al día sobre lo que

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/before

    This hook used to add content to display on the admin page of the specific page at the top of the page. This hook accepts the slug of the page for unique identification.

  • groundhogg/submission_handler/setup

    This hook executed when the Groundhogg form is submitted. This hook is useful to perform operations on the data. do_action( 'groundhogg/submission_handler/setup', $this ); This hook provides the

  • groundhogg/admin/tags/add

    This hook is executed when the admin adds new tag using the tag page of admin panel. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/tags/add', $id ); This hook provides tag id as an argument.

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/after

    This hook used to add content to display on the admin page of the specific page at the end of the page. This hook accepts the slug of the page for unique identification.

  • groundhogg/form/shortcode/before

    This function is used to add custom code before the form shortcode is processed by the Groundhogg form builder. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/shortcode/before', $this ); This hook provides the object

  • Action: Delay Timer

    This action allows you to set a specific amount of time before the next step in a funnel is triggered. You are also allowed to choose how the next step runs in relation to the amount of delay. What

  • groundhogg/event_queue/process/before

    This action hook is used to run custom code before the event is processed by the event queue of Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/event_queue/process/before', $event_ids ); Using this hook developer

  • Broadcast Reporting

    Once you have sent a broadcast you can see the results in a report so you can validate its effectiveness. To see the results of a broadcast go to the Groundhogg reporting dashboard and click on the

  • How To Schedule a Broadcast

    Broadcasts are used to send out a single email to a large list of contacts all at once. To schedule a broadcast follow these steps: Option 1: Click on the Grounghogg icon at the top right of your

  • Meta Replacement Codes

    Groundhogg can store additional information associated with contacts as metadata. To display metadata you can use replacement codes, for example: {profile_picture} or {note} You can find the

  • Lead Scoring: Introduction

    Lead scoring is one of the most effective ways to find your most likely “ready to buy” customers. The largest organizations in the world use lead scoring to determine when it's the right time to send

  • Email Blocks: Footer

    Footer Block Tab Footer Alignment(Left, Center, Right) Font Style Font(The globe gives you access to the global type settings, and the pencil edits specific Font Family, Font Size, Line Height, Font

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/{current_tab}

    This hook is used to add custom code in the tab layout page. This hook accepts the current tab value in tab thus users will be able to display custom code for a specific tab on the page. do_action(

  • groundhogg/{object_type}/post_update

    This hook is one of the core hooks of Groundhogg. This hook is executed when an updated operation completed. This hook accepts object type in it so it will run for that specific object only.

  • groundhogg/admin/tags/add/form

    This hook is used to add custom code in the form of adding tags before the submit button on the tag page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/tags/add/form' );

  • groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/before

    Execute a block of code before sending a specific type of broadcast. do_action( "groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/before", $this, $contact, $event ); Here, broadcast_type will be replaced with

  • groundhogg/updater/{updater_name}/finished

    This action hook is used to run a block of code when Groundhogg is updated to a new version. do_action( "groundhogg/updater/{$this->get_updater_name()}/finished" );

  • groundhogg/email_notification/run/before

    This hook is used to add custom code before an email notification sends to a customer. do_action( 'groundhogg/email_notification/run/before', $this, $contact, $event ); This hook provides three

  • groundhogg/{object_type}/pre_update

    This hook is one of the core hooks of Groundhogg. This hook is executed before the update operation in the database. This hook accepts object type in it so it will run for that specific object only.

  • groundhogg/event_queue/process/after

    Used to run a block of code before any event completed. do_action('groundhogg/event/run/before', $this); You will receive the object of an event class as an argument.

  • groundhogg/email_notification/run/after

    This hook is used to add custom code after email notification sends to a customer. do_action( 'groundhogg/email_notification/run/after', $this, $contact, $event ); This hook provides three objects to

  • groundhogg/admin/emails/add/{tab}

    This hook is used to add a new tab inside the add page of the email builder. This hook provides the functionality to manage the response. do_action( "groundhogg/admin/emails/add/{tab}" ); While using

  • groundhogg/admin/tags/edit/form

    This hook is used to add custom code in the tag's edit page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/tags/edit/form', $id ); This hook provides tag ID as an argument to work with.

  • groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/after

    Execute a block of code after sending a specific type of broadcast. do_action( "groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/after", $this, $contact, $event ); Here, broadcast_type will be replaced with the

  • groundhogg/form/submission_handler/after

    This Groundhogg hook executes after the submission handler successfully handled the submission request. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/submission_handler/after', $submission, $contact, $this ); This

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/display/{method}

    This hook is useful for creating the custom method to execute on a specific tabbed page. This hook accepts the slug of the page and method name to execute. do_action(

  • How to Sync Users With Contacts

    Note For security reasons Groundhogg only provides one way sync. This means that the best way to update a WordPress user (and ensure it's seen in the Groundhogg contact record) is to update it in the

  • Really Simple Payments: Setting up Payments

    Really Simple Payments is packed with custom benchmarks that you can access from the funnel builder. These benchmarks are used to create a payment form that will allow the admin to collect payments

  • Tutorials: Importing contacts into a funnel

    How to import already tagged contacts into a new funnel Do you need to add contacts to a specific funnel in Groundhogg? You may be looking to do this because you are creating a new funnel marketed

  • Presto Player Integration: Introduction

    Note: this integration requires the Pro plan (or above) of Groundhogg, and the paid version of Presto Player. Presto Player is the ultimate WordPress video player plugin. It lets you use video or

  • How to implement cookie consent

    Warning! You should consult your lawyer or other legal professional before making decisions with legal implications. We will not be held responsible for any violations levied against you as a result

  • groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/tags

    This hook is used to add custom code after the segmentation section of the contact on the add contact page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/tags' );

  • groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/name

    This hook is used to add custom code after the name section of contact on the add contact page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/name' );

  • groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/notes

    This hook is used to add custom code in the Notes section of the contact on the add contact page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/notes' );

  • groundhogg/steps/benchmarks/form/extra_settings

    This action hook is used to add custom settings at the end of the form. do_action( 'groundhogg/steps/benchmarks/form/extra_settings' );