Search results for cron
27 articles found
Cron Setup
Under Tools > Cron Setup is a wizard to help you get your Cron Jobs up and running. Click [ Get Started ] It's recommended to click the [ Install Automatically! ] button.A file named gh-cron.php will
Cron Events
Groundhogg has seven Cron Events that are scheduled. Groundhogg Process Queue | Every Minute Background Tasks | Every Minute Cleanup | Once Hourly Bounce Checker Fix Unprocessed Events Fix
Running CRON via WP CLI
Running CRON jobs via WP-CLI in WordPress is a powerful way to ensure that scheduled tasks are executed reliably and on time, without relying on visitors to trigger events. With WP-CLI, you can
Why Do I Need To Create An External Cron Job?
Wondering why you need to create an external cron job? What is Cron? Cron is what performs scheduled tasks in the backend of your site, like... Sending emails or processing funnels Publishing
Add an external cron-job:
Using an external cron-job service like is the easiest solution to creating cron-jobs quickly. Are you hosted on SiteGround? no longer works for SiteGround, please use the
What cron-jobs must be created for Groundhogg?
You may be confused about Cron Jobs, which is understandable as they are a tricky subject sometimes. So in this article, I will tell you the ones which are essential, and some optional ones as well
What to do if the gh-cron is not verifying?
If you are unable to verify the Groundhogg cron job gh-cron.php then you will have to rely on the WordPress cron wp-cron.php. This is not a big deal but will result in a slight performance hit on
Add a server cron-job: Kinsta
If you are using Kinsta for hosting your website there are two ways to set up a cron-job for your website. First you need to run through the Groundhogg cron setup to make sure the files are put in
Add a server cron-job: Cpanel
If you have access to Cpanel through your hosting account you can create a server-based cron job really quickly. Don't have access to Cpanel? If you do not have access to Cpanel, consider using an
Add an external cron-job: SiteGround
If you are using SiteGround, the best way to set up a cron job is through the SiteGround cron manager. Create an external cron job on SiteGround Go to the account you want to manage in SiteGround and
Add an server cron-job: Cloudways
If you are using Cloudways, the best way to set up a cron job is through the Cloudways cron manager. Create an external cron job on Cloudways After logging in to Cloudways, go to Applications. Select
Add an external cron-job: Windows Server
Windows calls their time-based scheduling system the "Task Scheduler." It can be accessed via the Administrative Tools in the control panel. How you set up the task varies with the server setup. One
AWS Integration: Troubleshooting SES
If you are experiencing errors sending emails with AWS there could be a couple of reasons as to why. Your Account is in Sandbox Mode. Your AWS SES account may be in Sandbox mode. You can request for
When sending a Broadcast only some emails are sending
With the release of Groundhogg 3.0, Broadcasts are scheduled in the background using WordPress Cron. This is different than the gh-cron.php . If WordPress cron is not running, then the broadcasts
Background Tasks
Groundhogg's Background Tasks are a powerful feature that ensures smooth operations by handling heavy processing tasks asynchronously. These tasks are executed in the background to maintain
Add an external cron-job: Mac OSX and Linux
If you are using Mac or Linux operating systems then you can access the Cron Job scheduler using the following command. crontab -e This system uses specific syntax to schedule Cron Job. Use the
What To Do If Events Are Stuck Waiting
If events are stuck in the Waiting Status it can be caused by a couple of things. Your Cron Job is not active. The most likely reason is your cron job is no longer active, to solve this follow the
Under Tools > Misc > Reset Do you need to start over? Remove the data stored in Groundhogg, use this Reset utility. We recommend you backup Groundhogg, just in case you need the data before using
How to disable the built-in WP-Cron system
To experience the best Groundhogg and WP performance, you need to disable the built-in WP-Cron system. To disable WP-Cron, add the following to your wp-config.php file, just before the line that says
Why Are My Emails Not Sending?
There can be various reasons why your emails are not sending. Listed below are some of the most common problems and how to solve them. Did you set up your Cron job? Email in Groundhogg is sent based
Why are my emails stuck in "pending?"
If your emails are stuck in the pending status it's because you have failed to create a cronjob, or you set up your cronjob incorrectly. To solve this, follow the instructions in these articles:
Booking Calendar: How to Sync Google Calendar
Please follow the step below to configure two-way sync with Google Calendar. Navigate to the calendar you want to sync, then go Integration, then click connect to another Google account. After you
Caching Compatibility
If you have a caching plugin (please only use one at a time) or any sort of system caching on your website or may notice Groundhogg not quite working as well and as quickly as you had hoped. There
Cloudflare Compatibility
If you are using Cloudflare, you must make several tweaks so that Groundhogg and other highly dynamic WordPress plugins work as expected. Set Max Browser Cache TTL The max TTL is, "the amount of time
Groundhogg has a "settings" tab located at Groundhogg > Settings The Settings page by default comes with eight tabs( General, Compliance, Email, Tags, API, Integrations, Misc, Licenses) Additional
Google Calendar Sync Explained
Groundhogg Booking Calendar is one of the advanced enhancements to your Groundhogg account. Using the calendar, admins can enable appointment bookings for their site. Booking Calendar is packed with
How Fast Are My Emails Sent?
If you are concerned about the speed of your emails sending to your customer the best way to put you at ease is to know the facts. Let's talk about how emails are sent! What's the event queue? You