Search results for how to leave a review

511 articles found

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}

    This hook is used to add custom code on the top of the admin pages when pages are using tab page architecture. do_action( "groundhogg/admin/{$this->get_slug()}", $this ); This hook comes with an

  • Custom fields in the list view

    Custom fields you create will show in the contact list view by default. You can hide/show custom fields by clicking on Screen Options and selecting which columns you want to see in the table. Your

  • AffiliateWP Integration: Replacement codes

    The AffiliateWP extension has four replacement codes. Affiliate URL {affiliate_url} Returns the URL of the affiliate. Affiliate Rate {affiliate_rate} Returns the rate of affiliate. Affiliate ID

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/display/{current_action}

    This is used to add custom actions inside groundhogg admin area. This hook accepts the slug of the page and current action for which users are writing handlers.

  • groundhogg/event_queue/process/after

    This action hook is used to run custom code once Groundhogg has completed the execution of an event using the event queue. do_action( 'groundhogg/event_queue/process/after', $this ); Using this hook

  • groundhogg/{object_type}/post_update

    This hook is one of the core hooks of Groundhogg. This hook is executed when an updated operation completed. This hook accepts object type in it so it will run for that specific object only.

  • WooCommerce Integration: Introduction

    WooCommerce is one of many eCommerce solutions that are available for WordPress. Groundhogg has an integration with WooCommerce. The WooCommerce integration is available as part of our Pro plan, or

  • groundhogg/{object_type}/pre_update

    This hook is one of the core hooks of Groundhogg. This hook is executed before the update operation in the database. This hook accepts object type in it so it will run for that specific object only.

  • Adding custom contact table columns

    This code is used to add the custom column inside Groundhogg's contact table. <?php add_action( 'groundhogg_contact_columns', 'add_my_custom_column' ); function add_my_custom_column( $cols ){ $cols[

  • Introduction à Groundhogg(French)

    Si tu connais déjà les CRM et l'automatisation marketing, alors beaucoup de ces termes te seront sûrement familiers. Sinon, cet article te mettra au courant de ce que tu dois savoir sur les

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. Will the existing records be updated if I perform another import that includes email addresses that match contacts already in the system, but with new data(Phone numbers, addresses, etc.)? A. Yes,