Search results for 1. how to install groundhogg

513 articles found

  • groundhogg/form/embed/before

    This function is used to add custom code before the embedded code. Embedded code is the HTML code which users can copy and paste from other sites to Groundhogg's form builder. do_action(

  • groundhogg/event/post_setup

    Used to do any actions after the event setup is completed. do_action( 'groundhogg/event/post_setup', $this ); it returns the object of an event as an argument. Ideal for storing custom information

  • groundhogg/event/run/before

    This action hook is used to run custom code after the event is processed by the event queue of Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/event_queue/process/after', $this ); Using this hook developer can

  • groundhogg/steps/settings/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting before each and every step inside the funnel builder. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/settings/before", $this

  • groundhogg/steps/settings/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting after each and every step inside the funnel builder. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/settings/after", $this );

  • groundhogg/safe_mode_enabled

    This action hooks run when the safe mode is enabled from the tools section of groundhogg. Groundhogg's safe mode disable all the other plugin on your site except Groundhogg once. do_action(

  • Introduction à Groundhogg(French)

    Si tu connais déjà les CRM et l'automatisation marketing, alors beaucoup de ces termes te seront sûrement familiers. Sinon, cet article te mettra au courant de ce que tu dois savoir sur les

  • groundhogg/contact/tag_removed

    This hook executes when the tag is removed from the contact. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/tag_removed', $this, $tag_id ); This operation provides two arguments which are: the object of contact and

  • groundhogg/form/shortcode/after

    This function is used to add custom code after the form shortcode is processed by the Groundhogg form builder. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/shortcode/after', $this ); This hook provides the object of

  • groundhogg/import/form/after

    This hook is used to add code after the import section on the tools page. do_action('groundhogg/import/form/after' );

  • groundhogg/safe_mode_disabled

    This action hooks run when the safe mode is disabled from the tools section of groundhogg. Disabling Groundhogg safe mode restore the website as it is. do_action( 'groundhogg/safe_mode_enabled' );

  • groundhogg/steps/reporting/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom code after each and every step inside the funnel builder's reporting view. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/reporting/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom code before each and every step inside the funnel builder's reporting view. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/event/in_progress

    Used to run a block of code when the event before event goes to in progress mode. do_action('groundhogg/event/in_progress', $this); You will receive the object of an event class as an argument.

  • groundhogg/event/run/after

    Used to run a block of code after any event completed. do_action('groundhogg/event/run/after', $this); You will receive the object of an event class as an argument.

  • groundhogg/admin/tags/edit

    This hook is executed when the admin updates the tag from the edit screen of the tag page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/tags/edit', $id ); This hook provides a tag id as an argument.

  • groundhogg/contact/note/added

    This Groundhogg hook executes when any note is added to the contact. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/note/added', $this->ID, $note, $this ); This hook comes with three arguments which is: contact_id:

  • groundhogg/form/embed/after

    This function is used to add custom code after the embedded code. Embedded code is the HTML code which users can copy and paste on other sites form groundhogg form builder. do_action(

  • groundhogg/import/form/before

    This hook is used to add code before the import section on the tools page. do_action('groundhogg/import/form/after' );

  • Introducción a Groundhogg(Spanish)

    Si ya estás familiarizado con los CRMs y la automatización de marketing, es posible que muchos de estos términos ya te resulten familiares. Si no es así, este artículo te pondrá al día sobre lo que

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/before

    This hook used to add content to display on the admin page of the specific page at the top of the page. This hook accepts the slug of the page for unique identification.

  • groundhogg/submission_handler/setup

    This hook executed when the Groundhogg form is submitted. This hook is useful to perform operations on the data. do_action( 'groundhogg/submission_handler/setup', $this ); This hook provides the

  • groundhogg/admin/tags/add

    This hook is executed when the admin adds new tag using the tag page of admin panel. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/tags/add', $id ); This hook provides tag id as an argument.

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/after

    This hook used to add content to display on the admin page of the specific page at the end of the page. This hook accepts the slug of the page for unique identification.

  • groundhogg/form/shortcode/before

    This function is used to add custom code before the form shortcode is processed by the Groundhogg form builder. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/shortcode/before', $this ); This hook provides the object

  • How to add contacts to a funnel

    If you want to add contacts to a funnel in bulk, follow these steps. First, search for your contacts in the contacts area, using either quick search, advanced search, saved search, or optin status

  • How Do I Import My List?

    If you are coming from another CRM (or maybe your excel sheet) you may already have a list of contacts. You can add this list into Groundhogg easily. Step 1 Make sure you have a valid CSV file

  • Twilio Integration: Introduction

    Twilio makes it possible to leverage SMS and WhatsApp as channels to communicate with your customers! Twilio offers some unique features above other SMS integrations, for example, limited 2-way

  • Adding custom reports

    Groundhogg provides functionality to add reports in the Groundhogg dashboard. Using the Groundhogg dashboard you can add tables, line chart, donut chart in the dashboard. To add your custom chart you

  • SendGrid Integration: Disable tracking links on SendGrid

    Groundhogg will provide open and click tracking statistics for you. It is known that SendGrid's internal tracking system interferes with Groundhogg's tracking links. You need to disable the SendGrid

  • How the List-Unsubscribe header works

    You may be here because you heard that GMail is now enforcing best practices for bulk senders, including adding the List-Unsubscribe header to your emails. Since Groundhogg always follows best

  • Having trouble activating a license or installing an extension? It's not just you

    If you try to activate a Groundhogg license or install an extension through the Groundhogg helper, you may get an error message saying “cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has

  • AWS Integration: Bounce & Complaint Management

    The AWS integration will collect and manage bounces and complaints for you to ensure your sender's reputation remains in good standing with AWS. Setup There is nothing for you to set up as the

  • Setting Up Email Bounce Handling

    Groundhogg has a basic system for bounce handling if you send an email to an address that does not exist. Setting up bounce handling is not required if using the AWS SES integration plugin. The

  • How to add CC addresses to your emails

    If you want to CC an email address, like from a custom field, to an email that you are sending you can use the email Custom Headers feature which is located underneath the email content section. To

  • How To Change a User to an Administrator

    If you need to change a user role to an administrator for our support team, please do the following. Find the needed user. Go the user record you wish to use as a support user for our team. WordPress

  • Booking Calendar: How to send admin notifications for appointments

    Once people start booking appointments through your calendar, you're going to want to be able to get notifications so you can stay on top of things. How to set up admin notifications: First, log into

  • Booking Calendar: How to manage appointment availability

    If you want to manage your appointment availability for the Groundhogg booking calendar, you'll need to follow these steps. How to navigate to availability settings: First, log into your WordPress

  • Introduction to Reporting

    The Groundhogg reporting dashboard provides incredible insight into how your list is interacting with your information and consuming your content. You can get to the dashboard by clicking on

  • How Do I Export My List?

    We understand that you may not want to use Groundhogg anymore, or want to have a backup of your list. We have made multiple ways to export the lists that you want. From the Contacts Screen To export

  • Sales Pipeline: Introduction

    The Sales Pipeline is the ultimate tool to kick your sales team into high gear with sales automation. It allows you to easily manage your leads manually or automatically with Groundhogg so you don’t

  • Why Are My Emails Not Sending?

    There can be various reasons why your emails are not sending. Listed below are some of the most common problems and how to solve them. Did you set up your Cron job? Email in Groundhogg is sent based

  • What is a Shortcode and how to use it

    A WordPress shortcode is a small piece of code that communicates with another part of WordPress or any plugin that offers it, and gives it instructions on what to show and do. The shortcode can be

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/{current_tab}

    This hook is used to add custom code in the tab layout page. This hook accepts the current tab value in tab thus users will be able to display custom code for a specific tab on the page. do_action(

  • groundhogg/{object_type}/post_update

    This hook is one of the core hooks of Groundhogg. This hook is executed when an updated operation completed. This hook accepts object type in it so it will run for that specific object only.

  • groundhogg/admin/tags/add/form

    This hook is used to add custom code in the form of adding tags before the submit button on the tag page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/tags/add/form' );

  • groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/before

    Execute a block of code before sending a specific type of broadcast. do_action( "groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/before", $this, $contact, $event ); Here, broadcast_type will be replaced with

  • groundhogg/updater/{updater_name}/finished

    This action hook is used to run a block of code when Groundhogg is updated to a new version. do_action( "groundhogg/updater/{$this->get_updater_name()}/finished" );

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to run custom code before the action. It requires a type of action for hooking into the process. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/before", $this ); This hook provides

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to run custom code after the action. It requires a type of action for hooking into the process. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/after", $this ); This hook provides