Search results for web form

109 articles found

  • AWS Integration: How to answer questions when moving from SES Sandbox to production

    AWS (Amazon Web Services) will ask you a few questions when you want to move from their sandbox to production. Amazon has said they do this to prevent fraud and abuse of their services. Before you

  • Add an external cron-job: SiteGround

    If you are using SiteGround, the best way to set up a cron job is through the SiteGround cron manager. Create an external cron job on SiteGround Go to the account you want to manage in SiteGround and

  • Custom Fields in Groundhogg 2.6

    With Groundhogg 2.6 and above having changed up a bit on how things are arranged, we thought it would be helpful to make this guide. Table of contents: Adding a new custom field tab Deleting a custom

  • Caching Compatibility

    If you have a caching plugin (please only use one at a time) or any sort of system caching on your website or may notice Groundhogg not quite working as well and as quickly as you had hoped. There

  • Introduction to Actions

    Actions are inside of a funnel and they are what happens after something else happens. We are going to explain some of the actions available and you may have different ones depends on what extensions

  • Funnel Reporting

    Go to the Groundhogg reporting dashboard and click on the funnels tab. From here you will be able to select which funnel you want the report for!

  • GiveWP Integration: Reporting

    GiveWP Reporting If you are looking to create reports for your donation forms created in GiveWP, follow the Custom Reports help document.

  • Settings

    Groundhogg has a "settings" tab located at Groundhogg > Settings The Settings page by default comes with eight tabs( General, Compliance, Email, Tags, API, Integrations, Misc, Licenses) Additional

  • ZeroBounce: Introduction

    Delivering emails inside the client's primary inbox is a hard task as it relies upon various elements, including maintaining a good server reputation and you can use ZeroBounce to help you.