
Groundhogg is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and is made up of various components and features that help businesses manage their interactions with current and potential customers. 

One of the most important components is managing your contacts. 

Contacts can be entered into Groundhogg in many ways.

The Contact screen provides the user with a lot of useful data. It's split into three columns and contains cards. 

The first column has a car that contains the general data for the contact:

  • Profile Picture
  • Email Address link to open email client
  • Opt-in Status tag
  • Primary phone number and Extension 
  • Mobile phone number
  • Address linked to Google Maps
  • Local Date/Time for Contact
  • Action Icons

Action Icons

The list of action icons can vary depending on the completed fields and the extensions you have installed.

  • Envelope - Send Email from within the Contact - Compose/Use template(Transactional)
  • Phone - Call the primary phone number & Extension
  • Mobile - Call the mobile phone number
  • Funnel - Add to a funnel
  • Fields - Submit an internal form - search for an existing form
  • Chat - Send SMS message to the mobile number
  • Verticle ellipsis - Merge/Delete Contact

The next card contains tags. Any tags that have been added to this Contact will be displayed here. You can add/remove tags. 

  • To add a tag, click the "+" and search for an existing tag or create a new one, [ Save changes ]. 
  • To delete a tag, click the "x" next to the tag you would like to remove, [ Save changes ].

The card below the tags card contains tabs. The first tab, labeled 'General,' includes fields for editing existing contact data and adding new information.

Within this tab you will find additional information like:

  • Birthday
  • IP Address
  • Time Zone
  • Locale
  • Source 
  • Compliance

The second tab, named "More" provides the ability to add additional contact methods and metadata.

You can add as many Email Addresses, Phone Numbers, and Meta(metadata) as you desire by clicking the "+" icon. 

You can add additional tabs and custom fields to suit your own workflow and needs.

The second column contains tabs:

The final column can contain many different cards depending on what extensions have been added. This column can be expanded or collapsed, and selectively displayed. Each car within this column can also be expanded or collapsed and sorted.


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