Search results for code examples

219 articles found

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Examples

    Examples Abandon cart recovery Refund win back Request a review Subscribe and send discount [EDD] Abandoned cart recovery (Included) Recover abandoned carts and get more sales! [EDD] Refund win back

  • WooCommerce: Examples

    Example Funnel Let’s take for example a customer that adds anything to their shopping cart, then empty’s it. Here’s an example on how your funnel may go. This way, the customer is reminded (by an

  • Replacement Code: {date}

    The date replacement code is a handy one that allows you to reformat any date into a nice presentable string. The syntax is the date format followed by a string representation of the date compatible

  • Replacement Code Defaults

    To provide a default value for a replacement code that does not return anything, use the following syntax. {replacement::deafult} For example, to provide a default for the first name of a contact you

  • Replacement Code: {files}

    The Files replacement code can be used to add a list of files that are added to the Contacts record {files} Example output:

  • Replacement Code: {posts}

    The {posts} replacement code can be used to add posts to your emails! With several different formatting options, you can find one that matches every use case. Querying posts The posts replacement

  • Replacement Code: {auto_login}

    The Auto Login replacement code can be used to add a link that will automatically log in to the contact if they have a user account. {auto_login_link} To change the login link add dot URL

  • Adding custom code to Groundhogg

    The best place to add custom code in Groundhogg is in a custom plugin, that way you can deactivate it if you make a mistake or your code stops working. Download our example plugin from Github and

  • Custom Replacement Codes: Add replacement code

    To add a custom replacement code go to the Replacements tab under the Groundhogg menu. Once you click on the tab, you will be able to view the page that allows you to add custom codes. You will also

  • Custom Replacement Codes: Edit replacement code

    Groundhogg provides the functionality to edit and delete custom codes generated by the users. To edit an existing replacement code all you need to do is click on the edit button under the replacement

  • Make Replacement Code link look pretty

    If you don’t want the full replacement code link to appear in your email you can include it as a link anywhere in your email. Here’s how to do this: When you have your email open (and are editing

  • Meta Replacement Codes

    Groundhogg can store additional information associated with contacts as metadata. To display metadata you can use replacement codes, for example: {profile_picture} or {note} You can find the

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Replacement codes

    The Groundhogg Easy Digital Downloads integration contains six different replacement codes that you can use to send discount codes to contacts. Cart URL edd_cart_url The URL of your cart page.

  • Custom Replacement Codes: Use replacement codes

    Once you have successfully added a replacement code inside the database you will be able to view all the newly added replacement code in the replace code section. You can copy the code name from this

  • WooCommerce: Replacement codes

    The Groundhogg-Woocommerce add-on contains six different replacement codes that you can use to send discount codes to contacts. Cart URL wc_cart_url The URL of your cart page. Restore Cart URL

  • Companies: Replacement codes

    The Companies Extension has six replacement codes. You can see a full list of replacement codes by clicking the "Insert Replacements" button that can be found in the e-mail editor and funnel editor.

  • Replacement Codes With Arguments

    Some codes require an argument to function. For example the {date} , {meta} and {GET} codes. You can specify an argument using a period . For example: {date.Y-m-d|today} The date uses PHP Date

  • Intro to Replacement Codes

    You can personalize much of the customer experience by using replacement codes. Where Do I Use Replacements? Replacement codes merge in user data to whichever supported content you want, such as

  • GiveWP Integration: Replacement Codes

    GiveWP Extension has six replacement codes. You can see a full list of replacement codes by clicking the "Insert Replacements" button that can be found in the e-mail editor and funnel editor.

  • Custom Replacement Codes: Introduction

    Groundhogg provides the functionality to use replacement codes. Instead of users being dependent on using built-in replacement code, Groundhogg users are able to create their own replacement codes by

  • Replacement Codes Without Arguments

    This is the majority of codes, simply copy and paste and you’re off to the races.

  • AffiliateWP Integration: Replacement codes

    The AffiliateWP extension has four replacement codes. Affiliate URL {affiliate_url} Returns the URL of the affiliate. Affiliate Rate {affiliate_rate} Returns the rate of affiliate. Affiliate ID

  • LifterLMS Integration: Replacement codes

    LifterLMS Extension has two replacement codes. You can see a full list of replacement codes by clicking the "Insert Replacements" button that can be found in the e-mail editor and funnel editor.

  • Booking Calendar: Replacement Codes

    The Booking Calendar comes with these replacement codes. Time to appointment {time_to_appointment} The time difference to the start of the appointment Contact Appointment Start Time

  • List of Replacement Codes

    When Groundhogg is installed the following replacement codes are available. Contact Info CRM Address WP User Contact Owner Site Post Compliance Email Other As you add extensions additional

  • WooCommerce Integration: Introduction

    WooCommerce is one of many eCommerce solutions that are available for WordPress. Groundhogg has an integration with WooCommerce. The WooCommerce integration is available as part of our Pro plan, or

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Introduction

    Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is a Top Tier eCommerce solution for companies exclusively selling digital products (Audio Files, PDFs, WordPress Plugins, Apps) and Groundhogg provides direct

  • REST API V4 / Contacts

    The contacts API allows you to fetch, add, edit, and delete contacts. Contact Properties Attribute Type Description ID integer The system ID of the contact data object The core properties of the

  • How to add multiple outgoing STMP services

    If you are sending a high volume of email, you may want to differentiate the service you use for Transactional email and Marketing email. Definitions: Don't know the difference between transactional

  • Create your own custom benchmark using the Plugin API

    You could create your own custom benchmark, but as we routinely update the registration flow, and backwards compatibility is not always guaranteed. However, we do provide a future-proof method to

  • groundhogg/form/embed/before

    This function is used to add custom code before the embedded code. Embedded code is the HTML code which users can copy and paste from other sites to Groundhogg's form builder. do_action(

  • groundhogg/form/embed/after

    This function is used to add custom code after the embedded code. Embedded code is the HTML code which users can copy and paste on other sites form groundhogg form builder. do_action(

  • How Do I Claim a Course Voucher?

    If you have received a voucher code for a course, here is how you can claim it. Already have an account? In your dashboard, click on Redeem a Voucher Then enter your voucher code and click submit.

  • Tutorials: Importing Just A List of Phone Numbers

    Every carrier creates an email for their users (most people do not know this). You could create a form that concatenates the fields to give the signup person a distinct email. (they would still need

  • Advanced Features: How to add custom HTML email templates from third party platforms

    If you are using a third-party platform to design your emails, you can use the Import HTML Template feature to send the email with Groundhogg. When adding a new email, click the Import HTML Template

  • Booking Calendar: Styling your calendar

    By default, the Booking Calendar is styled with "Helvetica' for the font and shades of blue. You may want to match the styling of your website and this can be accomplished using the example below.

  • Styling Web Forms

    Groundhogg's Web Form Benchmark uses the active theme's styles. You can add your own styling by adding the following code to either the theme's functions.php file or using a code snippet plugin.

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to run custom code before the action. It requires a type of action for hooking into the process. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/before", $this ); This hook provides

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to run custom code after the action. It requires a type of action for hooking into the process. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/after", $this ); This hook provides

  • What Is Transactional Email

    Warning! You should not use transactional type email for all your emails, this can land you in legal trouble with your local authorities. When you send an email using a funnel or one-off email you

  • Bricks Builder Forms Integration

    Bricks is a premium WordPress theme that lets you visually build performant WordPress sites and uses what are called elements. Elements are very similar to blocks. The Bricks’ “Form” element allows

  • groundhogg/steps/reporting/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom code after each and every step inside the funnel builder's reporting view. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/reporting/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom code before each and every step inside the funnel builder's reporting view. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • Text Messaging (SMS): Create a custom SMS integration

    Want to add your own custom SMS integration? You can do that. Copy the code below and add it to a custom plugin file on your site. Once you add the code your custom SMS service will show in the SMS

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/{current_tab}

    This hook is used to add custom code in the tab layout page. This hook accepts the current tab value in tab thus users will be able to display custom code for a specific tab on the page. do_action(

  • Adding HTML Columns Inside Emails

    Sometimes the built-in elements of Groundhogg are not enough for creating the wondrous emails you want to create. That’s why Groundhogg comes with an HTML editor that users can use to edit the HTML

  • Do you offer Two-Factor Authentication

    Groundhogg's Account Dashboard can be set up with Two-Factor Authentication(2FA) which significantly improves login security. Groundhogg uses WordFence for its 2FA. 2FA works with a number of

  • groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/before

    Execute a block of code before sending a specific type of broadcast. do_action( "groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/before", $this, $contact, $event ); Here, broadcast_type will be replaced with

  • groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/after

    Execute a block of code after sending a specific type of broadcast. do_action( "groundhogg/broadcast/{broadcast_type}/after", $this, $contact, $event ); Here, broadcast_type will be replaced with the

  • How to auto-fill web forms.

    If you would like a Groundhogg web form to be pre-filled with a contact's information you can do that! All you have to do is use a replacement code for the field value. In the form editor, click the