Search results for custom implementation as 2.0

303 articles found

  • Introduction to Reporting

    The Groundhogg reporting dashboard provides incredible insight into how your list is interacting with your information and consuming your content. You can get to the dashboard by clicking on

  • Creating custom reports

    Groundhogg offers the ability for you to create custom reports. To see the custom reports go to Groundhogg -> Reporting -> Custom. To add a report click on the [ Create New Report ]. There will be a

  • Custom Step Titles

    Do you feel the necessity to alter the titles* of the steps? *The Step titles that Groundhogg generates are pretty impressive You can enable the ability to customize the titles for Benchmarks and

  • Adding custom reports

    Groundhogg provides functionality to add reports in the Groundhogg dashboard. Using the Groundhogg dashboard you can add tables, line chart, donut chart in the dashboard. To add your custom chart you

  • Custom Fields: Filters

    Groundhogg generates filters based on the custom fields you have created: Depending on the type of field, different filter choices will be available. *You can use these filters together in

  • Companies: Custom Fields

    When in Companies the way to add a new tab to store your custom fields is by going to the tabs list below the Company information. On the rightmost is a plus icon, clicking to add a new tab. A model

  • Custom Fields in Forms(Legacy)

    You can collect custom information about a contact using custom fields. As an example, add an "input" field in the form builder. Clicking the button will bring up the field UI where you can give your

  • Custom Roles and Capabilities

    If you want to grant Groundhogg privileges to other user roles, or specific users you can do that using a free plugin call User Role Editor:

  • Introduction to Custom Meta

    Custom meta (a.k.a custom fields) in Groundhogg allows you to store an unlimited amount of information about a contact. Using them effectively can allow you to do some really cool things and send

  • Custom Replacement Codes: Introduction

    Groundhogg provides the functionality to use replacement codes. Instead of users being dependent on using built-in replacement code, Groundhogg users are able to create their own replacement codes by

  • Using Web Forms As Internal Forms

    All web forms can be used as internal forms as well from within the admin area. When filling out an internal form as an admin, the information used will create or update an existing contact and add

  • Adding custom contact table columns

    This code is used to add the custom column inside Groundhogg's contact table. <?php add_action( 'groundhogg_contact_columns', 'add_my_custom_column' ); function add_my_custom_column( $cols ){ $cols[

  • Introduction to Groundhogg Custom Extension

    Funnel elements are what makes magic happen in Groundhogg. We have designed a methodology for implementing custom actions & benchmarks which you can find below. To see example implementations of some

  • Adding custom code to Groundhogg

    The best place to add custom code in Groundhogg is in a custom plugin, that way you can deactivate it if you make a mistake or your code stops working. Download our example plugin from Github and

  • Custom Fields in Groundhogg 2.6

    With Groundhogg 2.6 and above having changed up a bit on how things are arranged, we thought it would be helpful to make this guide. Table of contents: Adding a new custom field tab Deleting a custom

  • Custom Replacement Codes: Use replacement codes

    Once you have successfully added a replacement code inside the database you will be able to view all the newly added replacement code in the replace code section. You can copy the code name from this

  • Custom Replacement Codes: Add replacement code

    To add a custom replacement code go to the Replacements tab under the Groundhogg menu. Once you click on the tab, you will be able to view the page that allows you to add custom codes. You will also

  • Custom Replacement Codes: Edit replacement code

    Groundhogg provides the functionality to edit and delete custom codes generated by the users. To edit an existing replacement code all you need to do is click on the edit button under the replacement

  • Custom fields in the list view

    Custom fields you create will show in the contact list view by default. You can hide/show custom fields by clicking on Screen Options and selecting which columns you want to see in the table. Your

  • Custom fields disappeared after updating to 2.6

    If your custom fields disappeared after updating to 2.6 this is how you can fix it quickly. Go to Groundhogg > Tools > Install & Updates Select Groundhogg from the dropdown and click view updates

  • Booking Calendar: Use a custom form for bookings

    Groundhogg Booking Calendar provides functionality to create a custom form that the user needs to fill while booking an appointment. Booking Calendar uses the Groundhogg form to achieve this task.

  • Text Messaging (SMS): Create a custom SMS integration

    Want to add your own custom SMS integration? You can do that. Copy the code below and add it to a custom plugin file on your site. Once you add the code your custom SMS service will show in the SMS

  • AWS Integration: Using a custom Mail From domain

    You can improve your email deliverability and mask the fact you use AWS SES by using a custom Mail From domain. Configuring this must be done through the AWS console, and can't be done through the

  • Create your own custom benchmark using the Plugin API

    You could create your own custom benchmark, but as we routinely update the registration flow, and backwards compatibility is not always guaranteed. However, we do provide a future-proof method to

  • White Label Branding: Shipping custom funnel and email templates

    With the White Label Branding addon, you can ship custom funnel and email templates to your clients' sites! Prerequisites Before you can start shipping your custom templates, you'll need... An Agency

  • Adding custom tabs and fields to the contact screen

    Custom tabs and fields can be added to the contact screen using the plugins API and the contact meta DB. You can see and read how on our Github or using the same code below. <?php class My_Custom_Tab

  • Booking Calendar: How to add custom notes to appointment card

    The Groundhogg booking calendar offers the ability to leave private notes on each appointment. You don’t need any other extension to use this. Go into the appointment that is booked (that will be

  • How to implement cookie consent

    Warning! You should consult your lawyer or other legal professional before making decisions with legal implications. We will not be held responsible for any violations levied against you as a result

  • Advanced Features: How to add custom HTML email templates from third party platforms

    If you are using a third-party platform to design your emails, you can use the Import HTML Template feature to send the email with Groundhogg. When adding a new email, click the Import HTML Template

  • How to add CC addresses to your emails

    If you want to CC an email address, like from a custom field, to an email that you are sending you can use the email Custom Headers feature which is located underneath the email content section. To

  • groundhogg/steps/init

    This Groundhogg WordPress hook is used to add custom actions when the steps are loaded. You can use this action to add custom steps. do_action( 'groundhogg/steps/init', $this ); This action provides

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to run custom code before the action. It requires a type of action for hooking into the process. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/before", $this ); This hook provides

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to run custom code after the action. It requires a type of action for hooking into the process. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/after", $this ); This hook provides

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/settings/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting before specific step settings inside the funnel builder. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/settings/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting after specific step settings inside the funnel builder. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/settings/after",

  • groundhogg/steps/settings/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting before each and every step inside the funnel builder. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/settings/before", $this

  • groundhogg/steps/settings/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting after each and every step inside the funnel builder. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/settings/after", $this );

  • What Are Email Headers

    Acquainting oneself with email headers is advantageous for initiating email campaigns and ensuring the authenticity of messages before interacting with any embedded links, thereby reducing the risk

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/reporting/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom data in the reporting view of the step before the inbuilt reporting view. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/reporting/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom code after each and every step inside the funnel builder's reporting view. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/reporting/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom code before each and every step inside the funnel builder's reporting view. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/reporting/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom data in the reporting view of the step after the inbuilt reporting view. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • eLearnCommerce Integration: Introduction

    eLearnCommerce is a top-tier LMS (Learning Management System) that allows you to turn your WordPress website into a learning portal for your customers. With Groundhogg's eLearnCommerce integration,

  • Adding a tag on an action

    One way to trigger custom events from other plugins in the funnel builder is to add a tag whenever an action is completed. This acts as an alternative to creating a custom benchmark. The Plugins API

  • Sales Pipeline: Introduction

    The Sales Pipeline is the ultimate tool to kick your sales team into high gear with sales automation. It allows you to easily manage your leads manually or automatically with Groundhogg so you don’t

  • Email Blocks: Advanced

    AdvanceTab Layout Provides: Padding(based on pixels and you can link/unlink the setting) Border Provides: Style(None, Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Double, Ridge, Groove, Inset, Outset - Default: None)

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. Will the existing records be updated if I perform another import that includes email addresses that match contacts already in the system, but with new data(Phone numbers, addresses, etc.)? A. Yes,

  • Snippets

    These snippets can be placed in your theme's functions.php file or a code snippets plugin. Modify Marketing Consent Modify Terms Agreement Modify GDPR Consent Modify Confirmation Text Modify Footer:

  • groundhogg/replacements/init

    Used to add custom replacement code inside Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/replacements/init', $this ); This hook provides the object of the replacement class as an argument to work with.

  • How Do I Import My List?

    If you are coming from another CRM (or maybe your excel sheet) you may already have a list of contacts. You can add this list into Groundhogg easily. Step 1 Make sure you have a valid CSV file