Search results for contacts

237 articles found

  • Merging Contacts

    If you have multiple contact records for the same entity or person, you may want to merge them together so that it is less confusing for your team and your marketing. How to merge two contacts? If

  • Contacts: Profile Picture

    The Contact's profile picture by default is using the WordPress Gravatar. If the Contact has a User associated with it and has Gravatar this will be displayed in the Contact record. 3 ways to change

  • Rest API Contacts

    Groundhogg provides the /contacts/ endpoint. The contacts endpoint allows users to query the contact table inside the database and let you perform operations on contacts. This endpoint supports GET,

  • Create Users From Contacts

    If you want to create user accounts for your contacts in bulk, you can do so by going to Groundhogg > Tools > Misc. Go to the Sync WordPress Users card and click the [ Process ] button. This will

  • Why are my contacts "unconfirmed?"

    The Groundhogg email confirmation system exists to protect senders and recipients alike. Legislation surrounding privacy and data usage is becoming increasingly common, and more complex to navigate

  • How to Search for Contacts

    Need to find a contact or group of contacts? Here is how you can search for them. Advanced Search You can perform an advanced search with multiple criteria by clicking on the filter contacts button

  • How to Import Confirmed Contacts

    If you are importing a list of contacts you have previously confirmed during an import, you can select the option to verify that the list you are importing has been previously confirmed. Once the

  • How To Mass Delete Contacts

    If you want to delete a large group of contacts you can do so by using the Contact's Advance Search Go to Groundhogg > Contacts Click [ Filter Contacts ] button then the "+" sign - Add a filter You

  • Why are My Contacts Unmarketable?

    What does Marketable/Unmarketable Mean? In Groundhogg, a contact can either be Marketable or Unmarketable. An Unmarktable contact will NOT receive any marketing from Groundhogg, while a Marketable

  • REST API V4 / Contacts

    The contacts API allows you to fetch, add, edit, and delete contacts. Contact Properties Attribute Type Description ID integer The system ID of the contact data object The core properties of the

  • How To Bulk Edit Contacts

    To bulk edit your contacts, go to the contacts screen and make a search for the contacts you want to edit. Next to the bulk actions screen, there is a More Actions dropdown which you can click to

  • Tutorials: Importing contacts into a funnel

    How to import already tagged contacts into a new funnel Do you need to add contacts to a specific funnel in Groundhogg? You may be looking to do this because you are creating a new funnel marketed

  • How to Sync Users With Contacts

    Note For security reasons Groundhogg only provides one way sync. This means that the best way to update a WordPress user (and ensure it's seen in the Groundhogg contact record) is to update it in the

  • Importing Contacts with Their Opt-in Status

    By default, when you import a list for the first time their opt-in status will be "Unconfirmed." Depending on where you are in the world this can mean you may or may not be able to send emails to the

  • How to add contacts to a funnel

    If you want to add contacts to a funnel in bulk, follow these steps. First, search for your contacts in the contacts area, using either quick search, advanced search, saved search, or optin status

  • REST API V3 / Contacts / Tags / Get

    URL GET /wp-json/gh/v3/contacts/tags Method This endpoint supports the GET method. Request This endpoint provides functionality to get all the tags applied to the contact. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED

  • No dates are showing in my groundhogg contacts and events

    Are you missing dates in your contacts and events tables? Here is a quick troubleshooting tip! Log into your WordPress site Click on the Settings link Make sure you have the default settings for

  • Booking Calendar: How to send contacts SMS notifications for appointments

    Once you have set up the notifications you want to send to your contacts after they book an appointment on your calendar, you will want to set up SMS. How to set up SMS notifications for contacts:

  • Booking Calendar: How to send contacts email notifications for appointments

    Once you've set up your own notifications, you can set up and customize the notifications that your contacts will get after booking an appointment on your calendar. How to set up contact

  • Guide to selecting and sending an email to unengaged contacts

    Go to Groundhogg > Broadcasts Click [ Schedule a broadcast ] Select an email Click [ Campaigns -> ] Add a Campaign or click [ Schedule -> ] Set the schedule Click [ Contacts - > ] Click the "+" under

  • Advanced Features: How to tag contacts who opened a broadcast email

    1. After your Broadcast has been successfully sent, click on “Broadcasts” then go to Sent Tab 2. Under the “Stats” heading, click on the number beside “Sent”. Note: You can also follow the same

  • Contact Notes

    You can keep track of detailed contact information by using the Contact Notes feature. What are notes? Notes allow you to store detailed information about a contact using a WYSIWYG editor. For

  • Contact Tasks

    You can create tasks by using the Contact Tasks feature. What are tasks? Tasks allow you to create a task using a WYSIWYG editor. For example, if you need to make a phone call with a contact In

  • Contact Files

    What are Files? On the Contact page, you'll find the Files tab, where you can conveniently store files associated with this specific contact. The files are stored on your host in the

  • Contact Reporting

    When you arrive at the Contact Reporting page you will be presented with a line graph of "New Contacts" for the last 30 days. You can hover your mouse anywhere along the line to see the total count

  • Contact Activity

    You can keep track of the contact's activities. What are activities? The "Activity" tab provides a log of events that occur for this contact. Events like: Logged In / Logged Out Page Visits Funnels

  • groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/contact_info

    This hook is used to add custom code after the contact info section of contact on the add contact page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/contact_info' );

  • groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/tags

    This hook is used to add custom code after the segmentation section of the contact on the add contact page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/tags' );

  • groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/name

    This hook is used to add custom code after the name section of contact on the add contact page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/name' );

  • groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/notes

    This hook is used to add custom code in the Notes section of the contact on the add contact page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/notes' );

  • groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/after

    This hook is used to add extra code after the add contact from. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/contacts/add/form/after' );

  • Contact marketability explained

    Contacts can either be Marketable, or Unmarketable. These two states are a reflection of several criteria that factor in a contact's activity, metadata, and your site's level of compliance. How

  • Contact Birthdays: Introduction

    Wishing a Happy Birthday to your clients opens up a new possibility for the business and Groundhogg has got you covered with the Contacts Birthday plugin. Groundhogg's contact plugin can be used to

  • WooCommerce: Contact Metadata

    Additional information about a Contact's purchases can be found in the metadata box in the right column of each Contact. Total Customer Value Successful Orders Order ID Order Status Order date Order

  • [gh_contact] Shortcode

    This shortcode allows you to merge contact data into your content. This code works on a per-field basis, and you can also pass a default parameter in the event that the field doesn’t exist.

  • groundhogg/contact/preferences/updated

    This hook executes when the contact's preference is changed. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/preferences/updated', $this->ID, $preference, $old_preference ); This hook comes with three arguments: ID

  • GiveWP Integrations: Contact Metadata

    Additional information about a Contact's donations can be found in the metadata box in the right column of each Contact. Total Customer Value Successful Payments Donation ID Donation Status Donation

  • AffiliateWP Integration: Contact Metadata

    Additional information about a Contact's affiliate details can be found in the metadata box in the right column of each Contact. Affiliate ID (Links to AffiliateWP Record & Affiliate Report) Status

  • groundhogg/contact/preferences/unsubscribed

    This hook executes when the contact changes its preference to unsubscribed. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/preferences/unsubscribed', $this->ID, $preference, $old_preference ); This hook comes with

  • Fix Contact Birthday Formatting

    Under Tools > Misc > Fix Birthdays is a utility to correct Birthday formatting Converting the birthday PHP date function from: "YnJ" - 2023518 "Y" represents the full year "n" represents the month

  • groundhogg/contact/tag_removed

    This hook executes when the tag is removed from the contact. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/tag_removed', $this, $tag_id ); This operation provides two arguments which are: the object of contact and

  • groundhogg/contact/note/added

    This Groundhogg hook executes when any note is added to the contact. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/note/added', $this->ID, $note, $this ); This hook comes with three arguments which is: contact_id:

  • [gh_is_contact] Shortcode

    You can use this shortcode to conditionally display content that is dependent on if the current site visitor is a contact. [gh_is_contact] Show this content if the visitor is a

  • Adding custom contact table columns

    This code is used to add the custom column inside Groundhogg's contact table. <?php add_action( 'groundhogg_contact_columns', 'add_my_custom_column' ); function add_my_custom_column( $cols ){ $cols[

  • Creating a new contact record

    You can create new \Groundhogg\Contact objects on the fly by passing in an array of parameters. Duplicates will be avoided. $first_name = $_POst[ 'first' ]; $email = $_POST[ 'email' ]; $contact = new

  • [gh_is_not_contact] Shortcode

    You can use this shortcode to conditionally display content if the current visitor is not a contact. [gh_is_not_contact] Show this content if the visitor is not a contact.[/gh_is_not_contact]

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Contact Metadata

    Additional information about a Contact's purchases can be found in the metadata box in the right column of each Contact. Total Customer Value Successful Orders Order ID Order Status Order date Order

  • groundhogg/form/submission_handler/before_create_contact

    This hook is used to handle the data before contact is created by Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/submission_handler/before_create_contact', $args, $meta, $tags, $files, $this ); This hook

  • HelpScout Integration: Setup contact record siderbar widget

    You can display the Groundhogg contact record in HelpScout tickets in just a few steps using the Groundhogg HelpScout Integration. Instructions: Open Apps under the HelpScout Manage menu. Search for

  • REST API V3 / Contact / Get

    URL GET /wp-json/gh/v3/contacts Method This endpoint supports the GET method Request This endpoint provides multiple ways of searching and retrieving contact information. Here are the parameters you