Search results for 3. how to import your list

496 articles found

  • groundhogg/email_notification/run/after

    This hook is used to add custom code after email notification sends to a customer. do_action( 'groundhogg/email_notification/run/after', $this, $contact, $event ); This hook provides three objects to

  • AffiliateWP Integration: Contact Metadata

    Additional information about a Contact's affiliate details can be found in the metadata box in the right column of each Contact. Affiliate ID (Links to AffiliateWP Record & Affiliate Report) Status

  • groundhogg/admin/emails/add/{tab}

    This hook is used to add a new tab inside the add page of the email builder. This hook provides the functionality to manage the response. do_action( "groundhogg/admin/emails/add/{tab}" ); While using

  • REST API V3 / SMS / Get

    URL GET /wp-json/gh/v3/sms Method This endpoint supports the GET method. Request You can pass the search string to get SMS with that string. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION search string no String to

  • groundhogg/form/embed/before

    This function is used to add custom code before the embedded code. Embedded code is the HTML code which users can copy and paste from other sites to Groundhogg's form builder. do_action(

  • Restore Missing Funnel Events

    Under Tools > Misc is a utility to Restore missing funnel events. If something happens to the events in a funnel and they get canceled or deleted, this tool will bring back the contacts to where they

  • Email Blocks: Footer

    Footer Block Tab Footer Alignment(Left, Center, Right) Font Style Font(The globe gives you access to the global type settings, and the pencil edits specific Font Family, Font Size, Line Height, Font

  • REST API V3 / Tags / Delete

    URL DELETE /wp-json/gh/v3/tags Method This endpoint supports the DELETE method. Request To delete a tag you must pass these arguments. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION tag_id int yes The ID of the tag

  • Advanced Features: Enable the Advanced Email Editor

    If you want to design better emails and newsletters, you can use the Advanced Email Editor. After installing the Advanced Features extension, go to the settings area and enable the Advanced Email

  • Replacement Code Defaults

    To provide a default value for a replacement code that does not return anything, use the following syntax. {replacement::deafult} For example, to provide a default for the first name of a contact you

  • Adding a tag on an action

    One way to trigger custom events from other plugins in the funnel builder is to add a tag whenever an action is completed. This acts as an alternative to creating a custom benchmark. The Plugins API

  • What cron-jobs must be created for Groundhogg?

    You may be confused about Cron Jobs, which is understandable as they are a tricky subject sometimes. So in this article, I will tell you the ones which are essential, and some optional ones as well

  • REST API V3 / Contacts / Tags / Get

    URL GET /wp-json/gh/v3/contacts/tags Method This endpoint supports the GET method. Request This endpoint provides functionality to get all the tags applied to the contact. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED

  • REST API V3 / Tags / Edit

    URL PUT /wp-json/gh/v3/tags Method This endpoint supports the PUT method. Request This endpoint provides functionality to edit tags. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION tag_id int yes ID of a tag that

  • REST API V3 / Tags / Get

    URL GET /wp-json/gh/v3/tags Method This endpoint supports the GET method. Request You can pass the search string to get SMS with that string. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION search string no String

  • Tutor LMS Integration: Introduction

    Tutor LMS is a feature-rich, easy to use learning platform. With our Tutor LMS integration, you will be able to make it even MORE powerful. The Goundhogg integrations include actions for courses: Add

  • groundhogg/updater/{updater_name}/finished

    This action hook is used to run a block of code when Groundhogg is updated to a new version. do_action( "groundhogg/updater/{$this->get_updater_name()}/finished" );

  • Custom Roles and Capabilities

    If you want to grant Groundhogg privileges to other user roles, or specific users you can do that using a free plugin call User Role Editor:

  • groundhogg/replacements/init

    Used to add custom replacement code inside Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/replacements/init', $this ); This hook provides the object of the replacement class as an argument to work with.

  • groundhogg/event/pause

    Used to run a block of code when event status changed to pause. do_action('groundhogg/event/pause', $this); You will receive the object of an event class as an argument.

  • groundhogg/event/complete

    Used to run a block of code when the event status changed to complete. do_action('groundhogg/event/complete', $this); You will receive the object of an event class as an argument.

  • groundhogg/admin/tags/edit/form

    This hook is used to add custom code in the tag's edit page. do_action( 'groundhogg/admin/tags/edit/form', $id ); This hook provides tag ID as an argument to work with.

  • REST API V3 / Emails / Get

    URL GET /wp-json/gh/v3/emails Method This endpoint supports the GET method. Request You can pass the search string to get SMS with that string. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION search string no String

  • groundhogg/event/in_progress

    Used to run a block of code when the event before event goes to in progress mode. do_action('groundhogg/event/in_progress', $this); You will receive the object of an event class as an argument.

  • Why Is My Login Information Not Working?

    The Groundhogg Academy Site is actually a different site than You may need to create a new account so that you can participate in courses, it is free to create an account.

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/before

    This hook used to add content to display on the admin page of the specific page at the top of the page. This hook accepts the slug of the page for unique identification.

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/after

    This hook used to add content to display on the admin page of the specific page at the end of the page. This hook accepts the slug of the page for unique identification.

  • [gh_form] Shortcode

    The [gh_form] shortcode can be found inside a funnel by clicking on Web Form benchmark with the needed ID to show the form. Copy and paste it anywhere shortcodes are accepted to display the form.

  • Funnel: Enable legacy steps

    To enable legacy steps in the funnel builder, go to Groundhogg > Settings > Misc > Interface and toggle the Enable Lefacy Funnel Steps option. The following steps are considered legacy: Email Opened

  • Download System Info

    Under Tools > Download System Info is a utility to provide system information for support. There are two options, that create the same info: Download System Info(.txt) View system Info Example: Click

  • groundhogg/form/shortcode/after

    This function is used to add custom code after the form shortcode is processed by the Groundhogg form builder. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/shortcode/after', $this ); This hook provides the object of

  • groundhogg/admin/emails/process_add/{tab}

    This hook is used to handle the process custom tag process. This hook provides the functionality to manage the response. do_action( "groundhogg/admin/emails/process_add/{$tab}", $this ); This hook

  • groundhogg/form/shortcode/before

    This function is used to add custom code before the form shortcode is processed by the Groundhogg form builder. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/shortcode/before', $this ); This hook provides the object

  • groundhogg/event_queue/process/before

    This action hook is used to run custom code before the event is processed by the event queue of Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/event_queue/process/before', $event_ids ); Using this hook developer

  • [gh_email] Shortcode

    You can use this shortcode to embed email content into posts either as iFrame or HTML. Go to any saved email and click the verticle ellipse menu in the top right. Click this Embed option. You can

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Compliance

    Compliance To provide a marketing consent checkbox on the checkout page, visit Groundhogg's Settings > Compliance tab. Check the Enable GDPR features Scroll down to the bottom of this page and enter

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/display/{method}

    This hook is useful for creating the custom method to execute on a specific tabbed page. This hook accepts the slug of the page and method name to execute. do_action(

  • groundhogg/form/embed/after

    This function is used to add custom code after the embedded code. Embedded code is the HTML code which users can copy and paste on other sites form groundhogg form builder. do_action(

  • [gh_is_contact] Shortcode

    You can use this shortcode to conditionally display content that is dependent on if the current site visitor is a contact. [gh_is_contact] Show this content if the visitor is a

  • groundhogg/form/fields/init

    This action hook is used to add form controls via hook. This hook is executed when all the controls of the form loaded. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/fields/init', $this ); This hook returns the object

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/{current_tab}

    This hook is used to add custom code in the tab layout page. This hook accepts the current tab value in tab thus users will be able to display custom code for a specific tab on the page. do_action(

  • When sending a Broadcast only some emails are sending

    With the release of Groundhogg 3.0, Broadcasts are scheduled in the background using WordPress Cron. This is different than the gh-cron.php . If WordPress cron is not running, then the broadcasts

  • groundhogg/contact/note/added

    This Groundhogg hook executes when any note is added to the contact. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/note/added', $this->ID, $note, $this ); This hook comes with three arguments which is: contact_id:

  • Replacements Keyboard Shortcut

    Replacement codes are very useful and merge in user data to whichever supported content you want, such as emails, notifications, text messages and more. There is a keyboard shortcut to bring up the

  • GiveWP Integration: Benchmarks

    GiveWP has one benchmark. This benchmark is used to automate funnels and send automated emails based on the contact's actions. Before using this benchmark you will want to create a donation form in

  • Fix Contact Birthday Formatting

    Under Tools > Misc > Fix Birthdays is a utility to correct Birthday formatting Converting the birthday PHP date function from: "YnJ" - 2023518 "Y" represents the full year "n" represents the month

  • Custom Step Titles

    Do you feel the necessity to alter the titles* of the steps? *The Step titles that Groundhogg generates are pretty impressive You can enable the ability to customize the titles for Benchmarks and

  • Refactored Optin Status - 2020-02-12

    In version 2.1.13 of Groundhogg, the contact optin status integer value is being refactored. Beyond 2.1.13, the optin_status will be a value between 1 and 8, rather than the old 0 and 7. This is

  • Replacement Code: {date}

    The date replacement code is a handy one that allows you to reformat any date into a nice presentable string. The syntax is the date format followed by a string representation of the date compatible

  • Benchmark: Post Published

    The Benchmark "Post Published" can trigger action(s) based on when a post or custom post type is published. Drag and drop the "Post Published" Benchmark over into the flow on the left. You will be