Search results for how to add custom contact table columns

507 articles found

  • Tutorials: How to delete plugin folder via FTP or cPanel

    If you remove a plugin using the WordPress dashboard and try to reinstall it but aren’t able to activate it because of an error you will need to delete the plugin folder before you can install it

  • Troubleshooting: How To Get Your Extensions After Upgrading Your License

    If you have recently upgraded your license, your new access may not be reflected in your site right away if you use the extension installer to download your extensions. To see an updated list of

  • Advanced Features: How to connect Groundhogg on two different sites

    Sometimes you will want to have Groundhogg installed on separate sites. For example, a subsite for your LMS (LearnDash, LifterLMS) and your main site for marketing and eCommerce. There is an

  • Backup & Restore: How to restore Groundhogg from a backup

    Need to restore a Groundhogg Backup? Make sure you have the Backup & Restore extension installed. Restore Groundhogg. Go to Groundhogg > Tools > Backup & Restore. At the bottom of the form, select

  • Settings

    Groundhogg has a "settings" tab located at Groundhogg > Settings The Settings page by default comes with eight tabs( General, Compliance, Email, Tags, API, Integrations, Misc, Licenses) Additional

  • Tutorials: How to setup a lead magnet download funnel in 7 steps

    A Lead Magnet is a great way to turn cold traffic into warm traffic (traffic that spends money). By providing value ahead of asking for a deep commitment, you take the first step in the customer

  • Contacts: Profile Picture

    The Contact's profile picture by default is using the WordPress Gravatar. If the Contact has a User associated with it and has Gravatar this will be displayed in the Contact record. 3 ways to change

  • [gh_contact] Shortcode

    This shortcode allows you to merge contact data into your content. This code works on a per-field basis, and you can also pass a default parameter in the event that the field doesn’t exist.

  • Advanced Features: Introduction to page visited benchmark

    Groundhogg provides the page visited benchmark included with the advanced feature plugin. This benchmark is executed when the user visits the specifics page and runs automation based on that. Page

  • Tutorials: Creating Lead Distribution Funnels

    Does your organization have more than one department or multiple salespeople? Would you like to be able to have more control over who your notification emails are going to? Try following this Lead

  • Twilio Integration: Receiving messages & replies

    You can now receive messages and replies via SMS and WhatsApp with Twilio! Groundhogg now offers limited 2-way communication that allows you to create simple SMS/WhatsApp-based funnels. Configuring

  • Third Party Integrations

    Groundhogg works with many third-party integrations* that can expand the functionality. AutomatorWP Samples Flowmattic Provides triggers and actions Hyperise Connect Groundhogg to Hyperise Pabbly

  • AWS Integration: Bounce & Complaint Management

    The AWS integration will collect and manage bounces and complaints for you to ensure your sender's reputation remains in good standing with AWS. Setup There is nothing for you to set up as the

  • How Do I Export My List?

    We understand that you may not want to use Groundhogg anymore, or want to have a backup of your list. We have made multiple ways to export the lists that you want. From the Contacts Screen To export

  • Meta Replacement Codes

    Groundhogg can store additional information associated with contacts as metadata. To display metadata you can use replacement codes, for example: {profile_picture} or {note} You can find the

  • groundhogg/contact/preferences/updated

    This hook executes when the contact's preference is changed. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/preferences/updated', $this->ID, $preference, $old_preference ); This hook comes with three arguments: ID

  • groundhogg/contact/preferences/unsubscribed

    This hook executes when the contact changes its preference to unsubscribed. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/preferences/unsubscribed', $this->ID, $preference, $old_preference ); This hook comes with

  • groundhogg/contact/tag_removed

    This hook executes when the tag is removed from the contact. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/tag_removed', $this, $tag_id ); This operation provides two arguments which are: the object of contact and

  • Create Users From Contacts

    If you want to create user accounts for your contacts in bulk, you can do so by going to Groundhogg > Tools > Misc. Go to the Sync WordPress Users card and click the [ Process ] button. This will

  • [gh_is_contact] Shortcode

    You can use this shortcode to conditionally display content that is dependent on if the current site visitor is a contact. [gh_is_contact] Show this content if the visitor is a

  • How Do I Import Notes?

    If you want to bring in notes that are currently in your list of contacts, you can do that in Groundhogg. You will want to follow the How Do I Import My List help document, and on step 3, you want to

  • groundhogg/steps/init

    This Groundhogg WordPress hook is used to add custom actions when the steps are loaded. You can use this action to add custom steps. do_action( 'groundhogg/steps/init', $this ); This action provides

  • Presto Player Integration: Introduction

    Note: this integration requires the Pro plan (or above) of Groundhogg, and the paid version of Presto Player. Presto Player is the ultimate WordPress video player plugin. It lets you use video or

  • Why are my contacts "unconfirmed?"

    The Groundhogg email confirmation system exists to protect senders and recipients alike. Legislation surrounding privacy and data usage is becoming increasingly common, and more complex to navigate

  • [gh_is_not_contact] Shortcode

    You can use this shortcode to conditionally display content if the current visitor is not a contact. [gh_is_not_contact] Show this content if the visitor is not a contact.[/gh_is_not_contact]

  • Why are My Contacts Unmarketable?

    What does Marketable/Unmarketable Mean? In Groundhogg, a contact can either be Marketable or Unmarketable. An Unmarktable contact will NOT receive any marketing from Groundhogg, while a Marketable

  • Email Countdown Timer: Introduction

    The Email Countdown Timer is an excellent addition to Groundhogg’s email builder. This add-on allows you to add engaging countdown timers in your emails in a split second. Adding this add-on brings

  • Lead Scoring: Introduction

    Lead scoring is one of the most effective ways to find your most likely “ready to buy” customers. The largest organizations in the world use lead scoring to determine when it's the right time to send

  • Benchmark: Webhook Listener

    The Benchmark "Webhook Listener" can trigger action(s) based on information from a remote site Drag and drop the "Webhook Listener" Benchmark over into the flow on the left. You will be presented

  • Filters

    Groundhogg comes with these filters to allow you to filter by: Contact Contact Location User Activity Funnel Broadcast Query *You can use these filters together in combination NOTE: You will have

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/settings/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting before specific step settings inside the funnel builder. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/settings/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting after specific step settings inside the funnel builder. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/settings/after",

  • groundhogg/steps/settings/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting before each and every step inside the funnel builder. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/settings/before", $this

  • groundhogg/steps/settings/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom setting after each and every step inside the funnel builder. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/settings/after", $this );

  • Replacement Code Defaults

    To provide a default value for a replacement code that does not return anything, use the following syntax. {replacement::deafult} For example, to provide a default for the first name of a contact you

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/reporting/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom data in the reporting view of the step before the inbuilt reporting view. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/reporting/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom code after each and every step inside the funnel builder's reporting view. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/reporting/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom code before each and every step inside the funnel builder's reporting view. Here, steps can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/reporting/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom data in the reporting view of the step after the inbuilt reporting view. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/{current_tab}

    This hook is used to add custom code in the tab layout page. This hook accepts the current tab value in tab thus users will be able to display custom code for a specific tab on the page. do_action(

  • Email Blocks: Socials

    Socials Block Tab Social Media Theme - Select a theme(Brand Color Square, Black Boxed, Gray Boxed, Light Gray Boxed, White Boxed, Brand Color Circular, Black Circular, Gray Circular, Light Gray

  • Tutorials: Importing contacts into a funnel

    How to import already tagged contacts into a new funnel Do you need to add contacts to a specific funnel in Groundhogg? You may be looking to do this because you are creating a new funnel marketed

  • Conditional Logic: Introduction

    The Conditional Logic extension allows you to run or skip steps within a funnel depending on whether the contact meets certain criteria. Groundhogg conditional logic runs based on the tags and custom

  • Benchmark: Post Published

    The Benchmark "Post Published" can trigger action(s) based on when a post or custom post type is published. Drag and drop the "Post Published" Benchmark over into the flow on the left. You will be

  • groundhogg/form/submission_handler/before_create_contact

    This hook is used to handle the data before contact is created by Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/submission_handler/before_create_contact', $args, $meta, $tags, $files, $this ); This hook

  • Importing Contacts with Their Opt-in Status

    By default, when you import a list for the first time their opt-in status will be "Unconfirmed." Depending on where you are in the world this can mean you may or may not be able to send emails to the

  • Really Simple Payments: Setting up Payments

    Really Simple Payments is packed with custom benchmarks that you can access from the funnel builder. These benchmarks are used to create a payment form that will allow the admin to collect payments

  • groundhogg/scripts/after_register_frontend_styles

    This hook is used to add custom front end stylesheet into Groundhogg. do_action('groundhogg/scripts/after_register_frontend_styles');

  • LearnDash Integration: Introduction

    LearnDash is a top-tier LMS plugin that allows you to turn your WordPress website into a learning portal for your customers. With the Groundhogg LearnDash integration, you'll be able to use events in

  • groundhogg/replacements/init

    Used to add custom replacement code inside Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/replacements/init', $this ); This hook provides the object of the replacement class as an argument to work with.