Search results for how to setup the system scheduler

514 articles found

  • MemberPress: Sync previous order and customer status with Groundhogg

    The Pro or above Groundhogg plan has integration with MemberPress so you will need that paid plan or above in order to get the integration. If you have used MemberPress in the past and started to use

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/before

    This hook used to add content to display on the admin page of the specific page at the top of the page. This hook accepts the slug of the page for unique identification.

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/after

    This hook used to add content to display on the admin page of the specific page at the end of the page. This hook accepts the slug of the page for unique identification.

  • Replacement Code Defaults

    To provide a default value for a replacement code that does not return anything, use the following syntax. {replacement::deafult} For example, to provide a default for the first name of a contact you

  • Email Archives

    Emails that are sent to Contacts can be provided for their review in three ways Direct link http://groundhogg.local/gh/archive/ - you can include this in an email or page. If you have the "Enable

  • Fix Contact Birthday Formatting

    Under Tools > Misc > Fix Birthdays is a utility to correct Birthday formatting Converting the birthday PHP date function from: "YnJ" - 2023518 "Y" represents the full year "n" represents the month

  • HelpScout Integration: Find your Mailbox ID

    To filter events for the HelpScout benchmark you can specify one or more Mailbox IDs. To find the Mailbox ID of your HelpScout mailbox you must open the mailbox in question in HelpScout and then open

  • REST API V3 / Tags / Edit

    URL PUT /wp-json/gh/v3/tags Method This endpoint supports the PUT method. Request This endpoint provides functionality to edit tags. PARAM TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION tag_id int yes ID of a tag that

  • Contact Reporting

    When you arrive at the Contact Reporting page you will be presented with a line graph of "New Contacts" for the last 30 days. You can hover your mouse anywhere along the line to see the total count

  • groundhogg/admin/emails/process_add/{tab}

    This hook is used to handle the process custom tag process. This hook provides the functionality to manage the response. do_action( "groundhogg/admin/emails/process_add/{$tab}", $this ); This hook

  • Email Blocks: Advanced

    AdvanceTab Layout Provides: Padding(based on pixels and you can link/unlink the setting) Border Provides: Style(None, Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Double, Ridge, Groove, Inset, Outset - Default: None)

  • Troubleshooting: Why can't I activate my WaaS license on subsites?

    If you have a WaaS license, you only need to activate it on the main site of the network. Then, you install the white label plugin which comes with your license and all of the subsites will be

  • WooCommerce: Tagging

    Tagging when buying something With the Groundhogg integration, you can go into the data of any product and have any tag applied or removed. This happens when the order is marked as paid or complete

  • Import HTML

    You can now import HTML email templates from third-party platforms! Visit Groundhogg > Emails and click [ Import HTML ] Click [ Choose File ] and browse your computer for a .htm, .html file The HTML

  • Restore Missing Funnel Events

    Under Tools > Misc is a utility to Restore missing funnel events. If something happens to the events in a funnel and they get canceled or deleted, this tool will bring back the contacts to where they

  • Campaigns

    Campaigns are very useful for organizing your assets. Emails You can use campaigns with emails. When adding/editing an email you can find the campaigns in the right column. Campaigns can be seen in

  • Custom Step Titles

    Do you feel the necessity to alter the titles* of the steps? *The Step titles that Groundhogg generates are pretty impressive You can enable the ability to customize the titles for Benchmarks and

  • Benchmark: Webhook Listener

    The Benchmark "Webhook Listener" can trigger action(s) based on information from a remote site Drag and drop the "Webhook Listener" Benchmark over into the flow on the left. You will be presented

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/reporting/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom data in the reporting view of the step before the inbuilt reporting view. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/reporting/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to add a custom data in the reporting view of the step after the inbuilt reporting view. Here, type can be a benchmark or action. do_action(

  • Form Reporting

    When you arrive at the Form Reporting page you will be presented with a list of active forms. Click on the name of the form to be taken to that specific form. The report provides data for Unique

  • Adding a tag on an action

    One way to trigger custom events from other plugins in the funnel builder is to add a tag whenever an action is completed. This acts as an alternative to creating a custom benchmark. The Plugins API

  • [gh_form] Shortcode

    The [gh_form] shortcode can be found inside a funnel by clicking on Web Form benchmark with the needed ID to show the form. Copy and paste it anywhere shortcodes are accepted to display the form.

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/{current_tab}

    This hook is used to add custom code in the tab layout page. This hook accepts the current tab value in tab thus users will be able to display custom code for a specific tab on the page. do_action(

  • groundhogg/contact/note/added

    This Groundhogg hook executes when any note is added to the contact. do_action( 'groundhogg/contact/note/added', $this->ID, $note, $this ); This hook comes with three arguments which is: contact_id:

  • groundhogg/event_queue/process/before

    This action hook is used to run custom code before the event is processed by the event queue of Groundhogg. do_action( 'groundhogg/event_queue/process/before', $event_ids ); Using this hook developer

  • Replacement Code: {date}

    The date replacement code is a handy one that allows you to reformat any date into a nice presentable string. The syntax is the date format followed by a string representation of the date compatible

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Compliance

    Compliance To provide a marketing consent checkbox on the checkout page, visit Groundhogg's Settings > Compliance tab. Check the Enable GDPR features Scroll down to the bottom of this page and enter

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/before

    This Groundhogg hook used to run custom code before the action. It requires a type of action for hooking into the process. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/before", $this ); This hook provides

  • groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/after

    This Groundhogg hook used to run custom code after the action. It requires a type of action for hooking into the process. do_action( "groundhogg/steps/{type}/run/after", $this ); This hook provides

  • Refactored Optin Status - 2020-02-12

    In version 2.1.13 of Groundhogg, the contact optin status integer value is being refactored. Beyond 2.1.13, the optin_status will be a value between 1 and 8, rather than the old 0 and 7. This is

  • WooCommerce: Reporting

    Want to find the best (and worst) converting emails and funnels to know what is working well for you (and what isn’t)? With our WooCommerce integration, you can know without having to dive into many

  • groundhogg/form/fields/init

    This action hook is used to add form controls via hook. This hook is executed when all the controls of the form loaded. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/fields/init', $this ); This hook returns the object

  • Funnel Reporting

    Go to the Groundhogg reporting dashboard and click on the funnels tab. From here you will be able to select which funnel you want the report for!

  • REST API V3 / Contact / Get

    URL GET /wp-json/gh/v3/contacts Method This endpoint supports the GET method Request This endpoint provides multiple ways of searching and retrieving contact information. Here are the parameters you

  • Why is my email address not being confirmed?

    Are you unable to confirm an email address while testing a funnel? Groundhogg by default treats the logged-in user's email as the priority email for tracking. This means if you're testing while

  • Benchmark: Post Published

    The Benchmark "Post Published" can trigger action(s) based on when a post or custom post type is published. Drag and drop the "Post Published" Benchmark over into the flow on the left. You will be

  • When sending a Broadcast only some emails are sending

    With the release of Groundhogg 3.0, Broadcasts are scheduled in the background using WordPress Cron. This is different than the gh-cron.php . If WordPress cron is not running, then the broadcasts

  • Trigger when Tags are changed, any tags, not one specific tag

    Scenario: Create a benchmark that triggers a funnel when tags are changed, any tags, not one specific tag. Using the Plugin API Benchmark. You will need to add this snippet of code to either your

  • AffiliateWP Integration: Benchmarks

    AffiliateWP has two benchmarks. These benchmarks are used to trigger actions. Affiliate Status Changed: This benchmark executes when the affiliate status changes to... ( Active, Inactive, Pending,

  • Advanced Features: Disable Page Tracking Script

    If the page tracking script is having a negative impact on your site speed you can disable it! Go to Groundhogg > Settings > Advanced Features and enable the option to disable the script.

  • Easy Digital Downloads Integration: Reporting

    Reporting Groundhogg added an attractive reporting dashboard in version 2.2 and Groundhogg's EDD plugin makes use of it. On the Reports dashboard page you will be able to see the EDD tab which

  • Funnel: Enable legacy steps

    To enable legacy steps in the funnel builder, go to Groundhogg > Settings > Misc > Interface and toggle the Enable Lefacy Funnel Steps option. The following steps are considered legacy: Email Opened

  • groundhogg/form/shortcode/after

    This function is used to add custom code after the form shortcode is processed by the Groundhogg form builder. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/shortcode/after', $this ); This hook provides the object of

  • groundhogg/form/shortcode/before

    This function is used to add custom code before the form shortcode is processed by the Groundhogg form builder. do_action( 'groundhogg/form/shortcode/before', $this ); This hook provides the object

  • AffiliateWP Integration: Contact Metadata

    Additional information about a Contact's affiliate details can be found in the metadata box in the right column of each Contact. Affiliate ID (Links to AffiliateWP Record & Affiliate Report) Status

  • groundhogg/tracking/email/opened

    This hook is fired when Groundhogg detected that the email is open by the user. Groundhogg uses this matrix to display opened emails in the list of broadcasts. do_action(

  • Why are my emails stuck in "pending?"

    If your emails are stuck in the pending status it's because you have failed to create a cronjob, or you set up your cronjob incorrectly. To solve this, follow the instructions in these articles:

  • groundhogg/admin/{slug}/display/{method}

    This hook is useful for creating the custom method to execute on a specific tabbed page. This hook accepts the slug of the page and method name to execute. do_action(

  • groundhogg/form/embed/before

    This function is used to add custom code before the embedded code. Embedded code is the HTML code which users can copy and paste from other sites to Groundhogg's form builder. do_action(